Last of the Time Lords.

Jun 30, 2007 22:22

Oh, Christ, where do I start? I'm so incredibly baffled by this episode. First off, hated the Doctor turning into Tinkerbell. I mean, good lord, clap your hands if you believe in fairies? And then he got swirly floaty, WTF. And I hated all the old Doctor-ness and then crazy old little person Doctor-ness. It made me think of a book I had when I was little about this guy who asks to stay in a castle but each guy he finds tells him to ask their father and they get older and older and then frailer and smaller until the oldest one lives in a drinking horn. Or something. Anyway, weird.

How the hell did we get not one, not two, but three full episodes of Jack and not a single kiss? With anyone??? My Jack-sensibilities are sincerely offended.

WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH LUCY SAXON? Oh, god, this is going to bother me more than anything else. WHO IS SHE?

The Master dying... well, I'm glad the Doctor was sad. It only makes sense. I don't know what he was thinking with that "can I keep him?" bit, though. I mean, how did he expect that to work. I did love all the references to the Axons and such. Oh and plus how excited did I get when I thought Martha was going to UNIT HQ? Kinda really pissed she didn't get there. Oh! And a Rose-reference, always nice. But yeah, I kinda wished it actually was a gun to kill Time Lords, cause anything would've been better than that "I do believe in the Doctor, I do, I do." crap.

I love Jack, even all chained up he still kicked ass. Or maybe especially all chained up. There just wasn't enough of him, honestly. REALLY really not sure how I feel about him being the Face of Boe. I mean, I've heard it as a theory before, but I really don't think it works. I mean, in order for him to get that old, he'll have to do some serious time travel around the universe, because he looked like that in 200,000, don't forget. When he had a baby Boe. Plus, according to my very favourite place Wikipedia, in one of the books, Jack mentions the Face of Boe. Could've just been a joke. Besides I have this distinct feeling the Face of Boe had something to do with the Master's human incarnation, named Yana and found on the Silver Devastation. Hmm. Plus also how the hell would that work? Riddle me that, Batman!

I'm not surprised Martha's gone. And I don't think it's likely we'll see her again. With the notable exceptions of the Brigadier, Jack and that one time with Sarah-Jane, the Doctor's really not into going back and chatting up old companions. I'm not really all that sad to see her go, either. She redeemed herself in this episode after the last one, but I don't know. And I liked her, I did, but she just didn't work in the context of the show the way they wrote her. I think I'm actually going to write an essay about this, but that's for another day. Seriously. Besides anyway, she can go make hot babies with Tom. And she left totally gracefully, so wins for her.

Okay, and again, what's the deal with Lucy?? I totally thought she was his partner in crime, but he was beating her and she killed him, so there goes that out the window. Unless it was just a front. Maybe her picking up his ring at the end was some way of bringing him back... ooh, that's good. Well, the Master's like the Daleks, you can't really kill him forever. Oooh, I'm having theories.

And er, next time on Doctor Who: Titanic! Cool! But, um, hasn't he already been there? Like at least once? Ooh, is he going to have to dodge his previous self the whole episode? That'd be cool. Plus, he's going to need a new companion. It'd be really awesome if he picked one up off the Titanic, cause I'm a little over the girls-from-21st-century-London phase he's going through. Unless he's going to go pick up Sally Sparrow, cause that'd be okay. Oh, hey, also, THE TITANIC CRASHED INTO THE TARDIS? What? (PS, I love it when he does that. It's my favourite thing ever.)

Well, I think that's it. Erm, for now. Gonna go read all those speculation spoilers for season 4 I've been avoiding.

tv, tv: doctor who

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