That's right. I'm doing this meme, AGAIN.

Apr 28, 2007 01:56

Cause blaidd_wolf and I are just THAT cool.

Comment ( specifically ) and I will give you 3 interests on your list, and 3 icons, for you to explain.

And so she gave me:

hot fuzz
Hot Fuzz is my new most favouritest movie. Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (aka the guys that brought you Shaun of the Dead) are extreme comic geniuses and my all-time heroes now. I mean, come on, there's a serious gunfight with middle-class English village old people. Like hardcore-style. If you haven't seen it yet, get off your ass and go. Right now. I don't care was time it is. Go.
"Well, I won't argue that it was a no-holds-barred adrenaline fuelled thrill-ride, but there's no way that you could perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork."

graphic novels
Yeah, yeah, that's right. I heart comic books. But not just comic books, cause really graphic novels are something entirely different. There just like real books, only illustrated and sometimes serialised. Basically it's comic books, with more realistic artwork/storylines and no superheroes... usually. Sin City is a graphic novel. So is 300, V for Vendetta, History of Violence and Road to Perdition (for those of you who'd know them more from the movies based on them). Although it's really hard to distinguish and it depends on who you ask, what's technically a comic book or a graphic novel. Me? I tend to just throw them all in one category, since I read both anyway. Besides, even if you're being an elitist on graphic novels, there are still comics that make the grade like Frank Miller's The Dark Knight. Anyway, some of my other favourite graphic novel titles include Fables, Miss: Better Living Through Crime and

y: the last man
One of my favourite running graphic novels, written by the oh so brilliant Brian K. Vaughan (who also created Runaways, another of my favourites, Ex Machina and had a good run writing Ultimate X-Men) and illustrated mostly by Pia Guerra. Volume
introduces us to our main character, Yorick Brown, just an ordinary guy and an escape artist, who's newly in care of a pet monkey he names Ampersand, which he's supposed to be training to help the disabled. But then, there's a horrible and extremely sudden epidemic and all of the men on the planet die. All of the male everything on the planet dies, except for Yorick and Ampersand. So the story is basically them making their way, hiding out and trying to get to Australia to find Yorick's girlfriend Beth, along with Federal Agent 355 and scientist Dr. Allison Mann. It's a really fascinating almost post-apocalyptic world, as men who held so many jobs and so many positions of rank are suddenly gone, almost nothing runs and the president is the former Secretary of Agriculture (pretty sure it's agriculture). It has gotten a little long-winded at this point and you're pretty much just waiting for something big to happen, but I still find it enjoyable along the way and I love Yorick with all of my heart. Worth the read. ;)

The Boyz from the Dwarf are probably giving Rimmer a headache, by calapine
If you haven't seen Red Dwarf, you need to. It is absolutely my number one all-time favourite show. Here's a post where I talk about how awesome it is and has links to some videos you should watch to convince to watch this show. And Rimmer is absolutely my very favourite character. Yeah, he's pretty much a complete asshole, but oh, I love him. Poor Rimmer, sometimes I really just want to give him a hug. He's so neurotic and completely fucked up and... dead. I mean, seriously, the poor guy's dead, you have to cut him some slack. Plus the relationship between Rimmer and Lister is so amazing. They're so BFFs and they'll just never admit it. Anyway, Rimmer rocks my socks and Chris Barrie is a comedic genius and I just love this icon. Poor guy never gets a break.

The Doctor is TNT, he's dynamite, by leighleighla
leighleighla had a lyric quiz going on at her journal, and I guessed things right so she offered to make me an icon. And since we both love Doctor Who and AC/DC, plus I'd been using my AC/DC Empire Records icon forEVER, so I asked her to make me one with the Doctor and AC/DC lyrics. And she made me this, which is amazing, cause so true, plus I love the song ("TNT") and every time I look at the icon it makes me sing it, which is my very favourite part of the song, cause it continues, "so lock up your daughter, lock up your wife, lock up your back door and run for your life." Haha, it's so perfect.

Lieutenant George gets permission to shout "bravo" at an annoying loud volume, by retro_palace
And I give you where I first fell in love with Hugh Laurie: as George on Blackadder. "Tally-ho, pip pip and Bernard's your uncle." Seriously. Hugh Laurie always did a brilliant job as the completely and utterly dim George, whether it was Prince or Lieutenant. Oh the brilliance of this show can't be explained.
But it can be watched.
And the scene that started this paragraph.

And now it's three in the morning and I'm sure I've been completely verbose and incoherent and I need to go to bed. Apologies, all.

movies: hot fuzz, comics: y the last man, tv: blackadder, tv: red dwarf, comics, memes

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