So my mum got me to watch The Departed.

Mar 23, 2007 22:51

Which I really had no desire to see as I hate Leonardo DiCaprio and am not a fan of either Matt Damon or Jack Nicholson (who hit on my stepmom once like twenty years ago), BUT I really enjoyed it. So if you too are thinking, "Man, this Departed movie really isn't my thing," (cause you talk like a hippie, apparently), give it a chance. I mean, the damn thing won best picture. Not that that means anything, given a certain other DiCaprio film won some years back, but I think the Academy is becoming wiser in it's old age. Although I still think it would've been fucking awesome if Little Miss Sunshine had won.

Oh and by the way, my guess the character meme is still up and the loverly pastelstar is still cracking away at it, so if you want to give her a hand, head on over. ;) Plus I still think all of you should post it cause I'll go guess at yours. And just to get you going, lemme sum up what we know so far:
• No one in this meme is the Doctor.
• 1 is a human on an American show.
• 10 is a single voice-overing girl who kinda has superpowers and has a job that's vaguely medical.

movies: the departed, oscars, memes, movies

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