Title: Twelve Days of Christmas
Pairing: Elijah/Orlando, Elijah/Viggo
Rating: PG13-NC17
The Mirror, 20th December
Spotted in London today: Elijah Wood doing some lonely Christmas shopping.....Orlando Bloom and new guy Dom Monaghan lunching in the Ivy....
Elijah examined the pasta machine half-heartedly. Christmas shopping wasn't really his thing - he had been tempted to do it all online but then decided he needed to get out f the flat for a while. Orlando, although his clothes were gone, had left other things behind him - music, books, ornaments - and they all reminded Elijah of him.
£69.99? Surely that was a bit dear for a small machine that you put dough into? Elijah picked up the box and turned it over, looking for some kind of price-reduction tag.
"Is that...Look over there, Kate - "
"Oh my God, I think it is....Do you think we should - "
"Like, of course!"
Elijah glanced round, just in time to see two teenage girls approaching. He braced himself mentally.
"Hi," one of them said breathlessly. "Are you Elijah Wood?"
"Erm, yeah," Elijah said, miserably.
"Oh my God, I knew it!" the other squeaked.
Elijah gave a quick half smile, and put the past machine down. The girls gave scarily wide grins.
"Can we have an autograph?" one asked.
"And a photo? Here, I have my camera," the other said.
"No, sorry," Elijah said, more firmly than he ever had done before. "I'm afraid I'm really quite busy - "
"Oh, come on, just your initials...."
Elijah sighed, and scrawled 'EW' on the back of the receipt the girl handed him.
"Thanks," she said, beaming.
"Any time," Elijah said wearily, as they left, giggling and whispering.
On the other side of the Thames, Orlando Bloom was entering a large office, with huge windows overlooking the city.
"Ah, Mr Bloom!" A tall woman with platinum hair stood up. "How nice you could make it!"
"It's nothing," Orlando said. He took the seat offered on the other side of the desk as the woman set up a small recording device.
"Testing, testing, one two." She played it back. "Exellent. For the record, the date is the 20th of December 2008, interviewer Susie Macintosh-Jones, interviewee Orlando Bloom." She glanced down at a list of questions. "So, Orlando. Tell me the reasons why you dumped Elijah Wood."