Title: Details
Pairing: Elijah/Orlando
Rating: R
Disclaimer: No I don’t own them, yes this is made up.
Feedback: As always, any is appreciated.
Notes: A drabble for
moit , who requested an Orlijah involving bondage.
He’s drowning.
He’s only anchored by the thin strings of silk around his wrists.
He closes his eyes and struggles for breath.
He tugs involuntarily at the silk.
His chest hitches.
His hips jerk.
Orlando thrusts.
He lets his moan roll slowly around in his mouth before releasing it.
His hairs stand on end on the back of his neck and on his forearms.
His muscles in his thighs twitch with strain.
Orlando thrusts.
His pulse is racing.
His heartbeat echoes in his ears.
He comes in a flood.
He’s drowning.
Orlando thrusts.
He opens his eyes.
He kisses Orlando.