Title: Odd One Out
Pairing: Elijah/Dom
Rating: R
Disclaimer: No I don’t own them, yes this is made up.
Feedback: As always, any is appreciated.
Notes: AU. A series of drabbles making a story of sorts. For
lisabellex, with many happy returns and hugs. :)
To start with, most people would find Elijah’s fascination with death somewhat macabre. He works as a taxidermist, and spends all day examining different furs and painstakingly anointing deceased animals with a cocktail of chemicals that makes Dom’s head spin. Maybe Elijah is a little macabre - the way his eyes light up at the sight of road-kill can’t be completely normal. But Dom understands - it’s not the death itself that interests Elijah, it’s the preservation. There’s also the challenge of posing the stuffed animal as realistically as is possible, and there’s nothing Elijah enjoys more than a challenge.
Elijah even maybe looks a little strange. It’s how Dom first noticed him, at the other side of an art gallery where Elijah was crying in front of The Persistence of Memory. With huge glassy eyes and white skin, Elijah resembles one of those fragile porcelain dolls that he himself hates but which Dom loves. Elijah’s body is full of conflicting contradictions - a chest thin enough that his ribs are vaguely visible, but a stomach that is slightly rounded; a full head of dark hair, but a chin incapable of growing more than a straggly scruff of a beard.
There’s also the weird things Elijah says during sex. He explained to Dom once that he loses control of his tongue and his brain when he’s being fucked; like a lucky dip, he said - something’s going to come out, but neither of them know what. It’s not at all unusual for Dom to be panting Elijah’s name like a mantra while snapping his hips back and forth, and for Elijah to be muttering obscure mathematical formulae in reply, or quoting randomly from Das Kapital. Not that Dom minds - Elijah shows his appreciation for Dom’s technique very, very enthusiastically.
There’s no getting around it, really - Elijah is odd. But Dom likes that. After all, he’s a little odd himself. And it would be quite boring to go out with someone very normal, wouldn’t it?