Belong to You prt 6

Sep 25, 2010 19:10

Rated M for naughty bits including lemons and language.
Random Darkness owns nothing. Very poor.
Begins at the end of 9 Crimes. Spoilers up until then.
- Eric has gotten himself so tangled in politics that there may be no way out. To save him, and herself, Sookie comes up with a plan that will go down in history... one way or another.

Eric was on the phone to Isabel. It had taken all the eloquence at Sookie's disposal to convince him that it was really best if he put his pants back on. That man was incorrigible. Sookie was quite convinced that he'd have kept her naked and on the edge of insanity for the next two days and then tried to run the biggest con in vampire history all in the last five minutes! To say she was conflicted would be the understatement of the year... She watched him pacing back and forth, explaining everything to Isabel, leaving nothing out. Much to her embarrassment that included telling her Sookie was with him and wearing his clothes. At least he didn't elaborate. Somewhere in the middle she had gotten the impression that Eric was being sworn at for getting caught up in all this crap, for not telling Godric at the very beginning and getting help, for leaving everything to the last minute. Eric took her abuse calmly and then said "I'll give you to Sookie," and shoved the phone at her.

"Wha..? Oh Umm.. Hi, Isabel."

"Sookie? Good God woman, you must control him. Put a leash on him, lock him up, anything." Isabel's voice stopped and Sookie could hear her taking a breath. "I am sorry. This is... a problem."

"I know, I know but there's no time to get pissed about it now. We can spank him later."

Eric's face lit up and he waggled his eyebrows at her. "He's making a face now isn't he?" Isabel asked down the phone.

"Yeah... As for controlin' him... well you've seen him what the hell am I supposed to do?"

"What women have been doing for thousands of years. Press your knees together and tell him the only way to prise them open is to behave!" Isabel said, and Sookie could almost see her grinning.

"Isabel! I'm not... I mean... we're not... not really and I..."

"Calm down, Sookie. I shouldn't have teased you, don't worry about Eric. Your plan will work well, I am very impressed with you. I will have my entire nest in Louisiana by sunset tomorrow, I've also taken the liberty of e-mailing a number of reporters I know while we've been talking... they've been suitably alerted. It is you we are most concerned about now..."

"Me? Why?"

Isabel sighed, "because Bill knows all about your gift, and he is in Mississippi with the King, which means the King knows all about your gift. Sookie, send Eric out of the room, I need to speak to you in private..."

Sookie covered the phone, "Isabel wants to talk to me alone for a minute..."


"And that means you have to be some place else." She said firmly. Eric just looked at her flatly. Sookie returned his glare. "If you can't handle giving me five minutes on the phone with a woman then you're a big insecure jerk!"

Eric shrugged. "I'm OK with that."

"Eric! Please," she sighed and looked forlornly into her empty coffee cup. She could really have used a bucket full. "Pleease Eric, would you make me a coffee?"

Eric's flat look continued for a minute, then he sighed and held out his hand. "Give me the mug."

"Ohhh thank you thank you thank you!" She gleefully tossed him the mug. "OK, caffeine is on the way and the Viking is in the kitchen."

"You did that very well," Isabel's voice said.

"He's a total freak. He'll happily service my every whim, but he doesn't want to give me five minutes to talk on the phone."

"He is a man. They're all like that. They expect our worlds to revolve around them because their's revolve around us. Sookie, I must ask you something very important about Bill. I know you may not want to answer, but know I do not ask lightly..."

"OK..." Sookie bit her bottom lip.

"You have shared blood with him... he has tasted you, and you him... Sookie, can you feel him now? Do you feel like you know where he is?"

"No... not that I can tell... why?"

"Try it now, please. If you were to transfer enough blood between you... a kind of... a kind of bond can form. You would be able to find him, much like he can find you. This can have great advantages, especially for the vampire, if you have established this bond he may be able to... influence you."

"Influence..." Sookie breathed softly, "Like a glamour?"

"More subtle than that, at least in the beginning. But it could make you a liability at a crucial moment if he can reach you in such a way. Please. Try to find him, now, with your mind."

"OK.. OK hold on." Sookie closed her eyes and reached out as best she could. She found the neighbours who, embarrassingly had heard her and Eric earlier, she found some people on their way to work, but no hint of Bill. "I don't think so... nothin' seems different."

"Thank you, Sookie. I know this was not pleasant for you. For what it is worth, Eric will look after you."
"I know he will. We'll see you all tomorrow night."

"Goodnight Sookie."

As the line went dead, Eric returned with her coffee. She shouldn't have been surprised that he'd made it the way she liked without asking her, but she was. Eric just tapped his nose with one finger, "My nose works quite well."

"Ah... you heard at least half of that, I'm sure..."

Eric smiled acknowledgement and nodded. "I would have had to go farther than the kitchen not to hear you... You are still free I take it?"

"Looks like it... I didn't know y'all could do that." She held her coffee between her hands and looked down into it sadly. "Seems like I didn't know a lot of things. How could he not tell me that? That I could be losing myself..."

"Would you have continued to allow him to drink from you if he had?"

"Well I... no." She looked up at him, "Maybe. Maybe if he'd told me... now I just feel like... like maybe he was trying to take control of me from the inside out and I didn't even see it."

"What has happened can never be undone, Sookie. Three days from now well will all have the time to... assess, our situation." He sank down onto the couch next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, using his free hand to push her dark hair back. "He may never have wanted to control you, or it may have been his plan. He may be manipulative, or simply stupid... When you know which, then you can decide how you feel about it."

"He should have told me..."

"Yes, perhaps he should." Eric yawned like a lion and shook his head slightly to clear it. "Dawn is coming."

"You should go get some sleep. I've got a lot of phone calls to make and, damn it, we don't have a car, you flew me here." She snapped her fingers and huffed.

"Where were you planning to go?" Eric was frowning, he didn't want her running around out there with Wolves looking for her.

"I have to go to Bon Temps! I have to get everyone organised. These are little town people Eric, a phone call might get them all in one place, but I can't throw them into this without explainin' things to them!"

"I do not like the idea of you running around unprotected," his arm tightened a little around her shoulders, "I don't want to wake up and find that something happened to you while I was sleeping..."

"I can't get this to happen if I don't go... everything has to be so tightly organised Eric, you know that. If they panic, this could turn into a real massacre!" She reached up and squeezed the hand that hung over her shoulder. "I'll be fine. I'll go get Sam first, he'll stay with me."

"Joy of joys... your shifter boss who loves you..." Eric frowned.

"Now who's bein' possessive?"

"I want to give you something to take with you," Eric stood and left the room, returning with a strange little pewter bottle on a necklace. "Hold this please." He handed it to her after taking off the little screw top lid, then, before she could say anything, he nicked his wrist and filled the little bottle to the bring with his blood.

"What the hell?" Sookie gasped, almost dropping the bottle, but Eric's hand shot out and held it steady.

"Take it, wear it around your neck. Do not lose it and for my sake do not let anyone catch you with it."

"But... what do I do with it?" She screwed the lid on and put it around her neck.

"You drink it. If you need too. It will make you stronger and faster, it should also be enough to make it easier for me to find you..." he took her hands in his and pressed his forehead against hers. "It is the best I can do for you during the day..."

"Thank you... I wont need it, but thank you." She didn't know what they were meant to do now. Did she kiss him? Would he kiss her? Were they together? Did she even want to be? He'd said he belonged to her, and something about that seemed significantly not flippant... "With a little luck I can be back here before you wake up. I'll call a taxi and..."

"Take the SUV in the garage," He said, opening his eyes but not pulling back. "The keys will be hanging up in the kitchen. Sookie..." he breathed her name against her lips and then closed the distance to kiss her.

It's the most natural thing in the world to sink, all trusting and languid, into a kiss, and Sookie couldn't seem to help it. She slipped her arms around his neck and let him pull her tighter against his chest. "I will find you, when I wake," he said against her lips.

"Eric... what are we doing?" she played nervously with the collar of his jacket.

"We're kissing, lover. I hope to do it again soon."

Sookie giggled and ducked in closer, resting her cheek against his shoulder and letting him hold her. "This is madness..."

"Indeed. But no more than the madness I felt for Freya, the chieftains daughter when I was thirteen. It's always insane to trust your life to someone else..."

fanfic, true blood, bty

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