Sure - y not. I was nudged.

Sep 06, 2007 18:54

Uhm - KK and I are still together - kinda. We're taking a break.

I've gotten some of my inheritance from my grandfather's death out of my father (around 16k compared to what my aunt said should have been around 50k - but dad... didn't give it to me because she gave him all the money (both his and mine)) and have paid off most of my debts. Most, because a decient bit of the money is still in mychecking account to create a buffer between positive and negative balances.

I have an iPhone, because it pleases me, and the money is mine to do with as I please.

I also got a lot of cookies after a decient stretch of "resin and chips".

Uhm. - Dad's off chemo because his brain is too fucked up.

I'm concerned about Hen and Hah but as of yet can't do a whole lot about it.

My brother from another mother just purchased a brand spanking new Infinity G37 and really makes me want one.

Bob's still bob. In college, no job. Lucky bastard.

I've dropped two friends due to their own asshattery.

I can't think of anything else - but if I post more, if I re-become used to it, I'm sure more will come out.


cookies are how I now refer to "d's little helper"
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