Jul 12, 2006 18:23
Ok - so I've been nudged. Repeatedly. So, I'm posting. Lots of stuff has happened since the last time I posted, one of which is the reformatting of my pc three times due to a hardware problem that I incorrectly diagnosed as a software problem (who knew that my machine really WAS running at the top of it's game?) resulting in three full system disk wipes, installs of both Windows XP and Windows Vista Beta 2 (legit I might add), Office 2003, XP, and 2007; among other things. Result - I have not yet reinstalled Semajic which is how I prefer to update my LJ. So you'll get this short and quick and mayhaps even in list form.
After I light this cig.
Mmmmmm, camel light.
Long story short - I burned through all my leave at work and can NOT use a single 15 minute incriment anymore, in fact, I've had to change two electronic timesheets due to my ineptitude at realizing this. Now, any hours I am short of the 40 mark either go as "not entered" or "lwop" (leave without pay). I've worked out an arrangement with MY BOSS where I can work over 40 hours a week and "internally" bank time with him and basicially take time off as if I'm not there. It's probably illeagle as all hell, but it works for me.
This Friday is 7/14. I'm taking off. Every year when my birthday rolls around I take off. If I work on my birthday, which I have in the past, it's usually the shittiest day ever. Not because I think to myself "Shit man, I'm workin on my birthday!" rather because, well, SHIT HAPPENS on that day that sucks.
The result of me taking off Friday was me trying to squeeze in 8 extra hours. So guess what - I worked 15 hours straight on Sunday/Monday. Went in Sunday night at 10:00pm (I was there at 9:30) and left the print shop at 1:00pm on Monday. The guy who stole my graveyard shift was in Ohio, and mah boss kinda didn't remember to ask someone to cover the shift until I noticed on Friday of last week. Then I was like - "Who's coverin ____'s shift?" he stammered, and I requested it and won. Then monday around 10 he realized I was still there and asked me how late I was staying - my reply "As long as I can last" and the fatigue finally caught up with me at 1:00pm. Which was a full 24 hours since I had gone to bed.
My company's health insurance SUCKS. We have a CYM on Phys Therapy of 1k. Which maybe covers 10 visits. Which is NOT ENOUGH FOR A KNEE. I'm sorry, but you know, knees, are very important. Especially in a print shop. I'm not sitting in front of a fucking computer all fucking day like the assholes in the main office who surf the web probably 20-50% of the time they are there, I'm walking around, bending over, twisting, turning, working in machines, carrying boxes that are usually over 40 lbs, I mean, when I say I fucking WORK, I REALLY FUCKING WORK. When I asked my HR assistant about this her reply was "Nope, nothing the company can do about it, if you had money in your flex account then it would cover it" and my reply? THE FUCK? WHY WOULD I ENROLL IN SOME STUPID FLEX ACCOUNT WHEN I'M GENERALLY IN PERFECT HEALTH AND IT WOULD BE NOTHING BUT THROWING AWAY MONEY (cause it dissappears like *poof* at the end of the year if you don't use it)!!!!! I'M NOT RICH YOU FUCKS, I MAKE BARELY $16 AN HOUR!!!!! Dumb fucking cow. Of course, I didn't say anything to her, I was just blank. Did not reply.
The past few weeks (yes, weeks) have been filled with working on another car. Another civic. Which needs lots of work, and it's like the color of "Frosted Purple", which is only slightly gayer then the car I currently have. It's 2 years younger, and a "LX" so it's power everything, but there are many issues with it. Last night, I was informed that since my birthday is Friday, the car is my birthday present from him.
Which brings us to my birthday present to myself. I'm gettin a fuckin kitten. I don't care what the "rules" are, I'm gonna get a fucking cat. Hopefully I can find a little black girl cat. I worry because I smoke heavily in my room, and they say it's bad for cats, but... goddamn it, I WANT A KITTY. I was thinkin about boog the other day and cried.
I've gone out to dinner with Hen and Hah a few times, which properly bookends the fact that they were the last people I went out with for food before the knee, I've made a few DVD's, and not watched them, and have a few sitting here that need to be ripped and sent back to Netflix. For that I need to reinstall "DVDShrink" and we're all good. Oh wait - no we're not, I need to re-download Nero (legally) and re-install it (also legally). I'd rather play WoW.
That's the biggies, and if I can think of anything else then I'll let you know.
Still have like 5 - 7 hundred dollars sitting on a deal that still hasn't come through.
Almost totally out of Percs, but that's ok, cause when I see my Ortho, I'm gonna ask for more of something less debilitating to take the edge off the pain.
Have a new car that's done nothing but cost me money. Crazy, for a free car. Now, what to do with Clarice?
Playing WoW again. Dropped leatherworking picked up engineering. Hunter with Rez is just sick.
Workin like a MoFo.
At work - there's a "D Fan Club" and the person who stole my shift is def not a member. Everyone else wants me to make buttons and distribute them to antagonize him. I may elaborate on this at a later date.
Dad is playing with the feral creatures who live in my yard. (eg - birds, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits....)
I owe the company 80+ hours of leave.
I still harbor extremely strong feelings towards MFEG. I'd still do anything for her, as much as I wish I could deny it. I will go so far as to say I love her still. And no, I do not just throw that word around.
I can't think of anything else, but if I do, I might post about it.