Jeez, today's been an ok day. Last period I was just making a Toshiya wallpaper, not that he's my fave or anything, I just like some of his pictures. Maybe I'll post it up soon. Yesterday was pretty boring too, until I got home at least. I got to talk to my friend on aim for a while, so that was fun :) I am currently confused in my classes, I have NO CLUE what the hell is due or what we're supposed to be doing. This whole year has been screwed up; I hate this school. I remember last weekend, it was a saturday and my sister had set the alarm for her ACT test. I heard the alarm and I got sat up real fast. I was practically on the verge of crying, that's how much I HATE my classes and school. It was so sad and pathetic.
Well, I'm totally obsessed with the Obscure PV, TOO PRETTY. Love it. I think it's awesome, Kyo is so sexy in that one!
I really hope I get to go SOMEWHERE this week. Seriously, I've been cooped up for too long, I hate my classes, I don't have time for myself, I'm confused on what I'm supposed to be doing, I'm just LOST. I hate my classes, not my life, my classes. They make my life a living hell. I need a new scene.
I want a new wardrobe, that's bound to make me feel better! Not only that, I want to dye my hair some wild color, like, Die Red or something! Dammit, I need a sabatical, just get away from all this work and humdrum......
My Grunge Kyo! His arm got cut off in the picture, so that's why it looks wierd...->*
Grunge Kyo*
Well, you know your Miyavi stuff, and you're
definitely a Miyavi fan, but you're not so
obsessed with him that you'd go to Japan just
to feed him sandwiches. Nor would you send him
obnoxious fangirl mail. You're the best kind of
Miyavi fan. Good job!
How Obsessed with Miyavi are you? brought to you by
Quizilla You're Jibun kakumei!!! Whatch out, you could hurt
Which Miyavi PV are you??? brought to you by
Quizilla You got Kyo!!
A Dir en Grey crotch claim quiz Who'll be sleeping in your bed? brought to you by
Quizilla Attitude
What kind of tongue do you have? (j-rock photo answers) brought to you by
Quizilla your jrock alter ego is - kaoru!
who is your jrock alter ego? brought to you by
Quizilla The Drama Club! Oh, angst and agony, you make
every scene a dramatic one. But your pick-up
lines are the best, and you sure can sweep the
other students off their feet.
Which part of the Visual Kei Academy do you belong in? brought to you by
Quizilla You are Child Prey!
Mice on acid...graffiti...but look, cool
What Dir en grey PV Are You? brought to you by