things are moving along in my life... i interviewed for that internship/job this morning, and it went really well. more details on that soon.
i also got info the sfu radio station at the end of last week to start training. i'm really excited to be getting back into radio. HOWEVER, i'm poking around their music database (it's on their website) and goodness gracious there are holes galore in the folk area. they haven't had any acoustic-ish programming in a long time, so i guess no one's been getting labels to service them at ALL. there is next to NOTHING. ok, well maybe i'm being a bit east-coast-centric here...but still! there are still major holes! major *canadian* holes, even! they don't get serviced by the biggest folk label in canada! *flail!* i'm so frustrated i can't even keep looking!
so! your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go
here and find me something singer-songwriter-y that i could play on acoustic pickups 2.0. (haha i should call it that!) you all know what i like/play....find me something that they have!! don't assume it's so obvious that i've already found it, because i know i'm blanking on really obvious things. also, if there are obvious holes, also let me know about that, so i can add them to the "must obtain" list. good thing i'm not afraid to beg for free music. ;-)
THANK YOU for helping me out with this. :)
and what is this...i'm not even on air yet, and already i'm coveting vinyl again!!!
drool and
drool again.....mmmmmmmvinyl.
note to self: get turntable. might help.
on the bright side of all this folky!angst, efo is coming to seattle! yayyyyy!