Apr 19, 2005 19:31
Hello dear children!!! haha woOO0oo0o sorry! lol...umm today was a dandy dayy...
Language Arts(1+2)~ "What do u want to be when u grow up?" LOrd! that question follows me around! we had to write an essay on it in language todayyy! o joyyyy! i talked to Maggie..nd my seat next to her is permanent babyyyy! YEA BOY! :D haha umm we didnt do much of nething else...she read a story to us...When Zachary Beaver Came To Town...or something like that...they r making fun of larger people! how rudddde!
Computers(3)~Web page thingssss...haha how funnn!
Social Studies(4)~Umm worked with Ang nd Kelsey on these question things...i culdnt stop hiccuping nd everyone was making fun of my hiccup...nd i hiccuped nd then someone wuld sneeze nd it kept going on nd off...haha pretty funni!..i guess u had to be there!
Lunch(5)~Ummm lunch was blah today...two words-Bull Sh*t!! hahahahahahaaha lol Linzz nd Steph!!!!!
Science(6)~We used protracters...im not good at using them at all...then we did a lab worksheet thingg...
Algebra(7)~HOLY LORD!!! DUDEEEEE!! OMG I ALMOST PEED MYSELF!!! NOT EVEN KIDDING!!! I GOT A 1005 ON THIS MAJOR QUIZ THING!! I WAS LIKE WHOA BABY!!! ok haha sorry...it mite not be alot to u people...but dude Algebra is one hard class nd i got a 100! sorry i was just reallllllly happy!!! :D
Gym(8)~O lord! this woman is so dumb!!! we got a "3 minute time-out" bcuz we were being bad or something! it was so funni tho...some people started a fite...nd Harman was like jumping on me when he got the ball nd he wuldnt let me get it! how rudE! lol..Elise was great as always! hahahaha
Woods(9)~I accidently went to the auditorium cuz i thought i was supposed to! hahahaha woops! woods was fine...i talked to Ronnie nd had no seat! but then some kid was chucking stuff at her so i kept throwing things back at him!!! u cant just throw things at someone without a reason! so when he wasnt looking...Ronnie took his chair nd gave it to me...i went to my locker nd i went past Elises math class nd they were talking about hamburgers...odd!
Softball~It was just dandy! i was doing cartwheels...nd hitting the ball...nd catching nd running...so all was good! hahaha! NO RUNNING!! YEA BOYYY!
I was supposed to go to SPED tonite...but i forgot i had an essay due! woops! im a bad child!!!
Laterrrr everyone!!! have a nice nite!
<3 HaNnAH