(no subject)

Apr 04, 2005 17:42

WOOoo0OO0OoO0Oo0Oo!!!!!!!! SKOOL STARTED AGAIN TODAY!!! everyone looked dead tired!!! hahaha! but my day went splendidly!

Language Arts(1+2)~Mrs. Holmes was actually alrite today...haha! she read this really odd poem about some eskimo man or something...nd he told his friend that he wanted to be creamated when he died...nd so the friend obeyed his wish nd stuck him in a fire nd walked away nd when he came back then body was in there waving to him or something...nd that kinda just freaked me out...we went over persuasion stuff nd thats about it

Music(3)~AHHHHHHHHHHH THE SECOND TO LAST DAY OF MUSICCCCC!!! NOoOO0OoO0OO0o! well we played our Band-In-A-Box songs nd the rest of the time we just did whatever we wanted...except i had stupid softball pictures so by the time i got back...the period was over...major bummer dudes!!!!! lol

Social Studies(4)~Talked about the Pope-John Paul II...nd we also talked about Terri Schiavo...yea...

Lunch(5)~Hah! lunch is always great...Brianna, Lindsey, and I were talking about the most random things while Steph was choking to death...poor baby!...nothing really special or funni happened...or atleast i cant remember if nething did...

Science(6)~I sit with Madison nd Kevin...what a lovely group! haha they rock...we r doing earthquakes nd volcanoes...nd today we made a little chart of some stuff...we made like 3 charts today! hahaaha!

Algebra(7)~All is good in the life of algebra...ummm i talked to Kevin alot nd my little cabbage patch kid...nd then i asked Katie what she got for an answer nd i got it rite nd i like jumped in my seat! nd i got excited nd Mrs. Topolski was like "Well, it doesn't take much to please Hannah!" haha it was quite funni...ok woOo0oo0o sorry...none of u probably cared! hah!

Inbetween bells...i was walking with Elise nd Kevin...nd they were making fun of me so i was like running away from then nd then i passed Ben nd he was like wow people making fun of you! i cant believe it...or something of that sort! haha quite funni

Health(8)~Ummmm i did a worksheet thing with Kim...nd we went over a crossword puzzle...thats about all...nd on the way to my next period..i saw Kyle, Evan, and Nick...then i gave Kyle a hug!

Study Hall(9)~Finished all of my math homework...then decorated my planner...I have no life...haha!

Softball was finnnnne...we just did alot of running...nd of course each time i came in 1st even tho once i started last! hahaha! go me! lol ok sorry...yea we did run downs like the whole time...i warmed up pitching but didnt do nething which was very dumb...ummm...yea...then like while we were running people were cheering for me---> Elise, Maggie, Brianna, Megan, Jamie, nd some other random people...haha well the practice overall was pretty good...Tuesday nd Wednesday practice is till 5!!!!! haha

Well i hope ur first day of skool was lovely...ill talk to u all later
<3 Hannah
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