
Jun 26, 2005 14:42

The following passage, from Line/ライン annoyed me when I first read it. The absurdity of the arrogance did not sit well with me while I was transported along to Nagoya on the shinkansen. Chiharu has no intention to stop using speed. Were it not for stimulants, there would be no point in his living. He takes speed for some three days straight and then rests for another three or four. He realized early on that speed brought for him happiness and a sense of completeness. Since then he only let himself use what he needed, being sure not to increase the actual amount taken. There are lots of people who cannot handle it, but Chiharu thought he was quite fit. Most people fall into a depression and hallucinate. One must have the right attitude. Speed is not an omnipotent deity. Fundamentally, it’s just like alinamin or asprin. When expectations are too high the wearing off of the drug’s effects is severe. One has to remember that with all stimulants there will be a coming down and a pang of discontentment. If you have good timing, you and take sleep medication so you’ll pass out while you’re coming down. Chiharu never spends more than ¥10,000 (USD100) a month on speed. Spending more than ¥20,000 (200) a month will destroy both your bank and your body. Speed destroys people in despair with family life, school, or the world. Stimulants destroy those who are depressed. Those people would inevitably crash, if not with stimulants than with something else.


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