(no subject)

Jul 03, 2009 03:11

Gosh Cambridge. I haven't written it up yet or even fully processed the whole thing. It was... SO good. Intense. Good. The balls are, as you say, INSANE. I can't articulate it, but wiki the mayballs or try to find one of the event-maps so you can see some of the crazy stuff that goes down. Pretty much multiply any awesome party by 10 and stick it in a music festival and add unlimited free food and drink.

I chalked up a fair bit of fun - 3 balls, 5 garden parties, punting, reading, writing, a bit of comedy performance and viewing, old friends, new friends, tea, london and two awesome 20-hours-sleep flights that made jet lag completely redundant.

Also...Um.... Hookups... a long story, with a couple of exciting chapters that i think should remain off this public space in the interests of not incriminating myself in writing. Let me just introduce you to the concept of a 6 foot 7 dutch phd law student rower on the gates scholarship who is also coincidentally the best maker-out-er I've ever had the pleasure of shaking hands with and let you meditate on the awesomeness.
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