(no subject)

May 11, 2009 23:21

Working on an essay! Hallo Interweb! I will tell you things about my week!

1) Got dumped. Am fine, as the words were on the tip of my tongue, also. He did it better than I could have, too. Many compliments. Couldn't have asked for a nicer relationship all round, really. Except for the, you know, deep and irreperable disjunctions of lifestyle, interest and the sex question.

2) Saw the Star Trek movie the other night with Twinbro and his Ladylady (they hit two years next week. Cheers and congratulations!) Loved it. Loved Sulu and Chekov, and Uhura and the alternate universeness of it, that let them play, and all the cheesiness, and the amazing special effects. Even crazy-twitchface Eric Bana. Such a good villain because you just looked at him, and he was terrifying. Asylum insane.

Yeah it made no logic. So what! Who are you? Spock?

Maybe someone travelled in time and told them that it didn't NEED to make sense because it was going to be awesome anyway.

3) Theatresports National Championships on saturday night. Got home at 3am, realised had forgotten key. Didn't want to disturb the sleeping, so slept in the garage on Twinbro's old bodyboard and the towels off the line. Very national geographic. Or do I mean hobo?
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