Always and Forever...

Nov 04, 2004 10:59

These words seems to strike fear into the hearts of those who don't / can't believe in something. This notion is odd to me, of course I understand that past experiences can stunt peoples' concept of trust, and make them skeptical to believe in a happy future, but I don't understand why some feel so relucant to regain faith. Of course i'm not taking shots at anyone, but this is just something on my mind.  I can admit that saying always and forever could be scary, but if you have faith and trust in something enough, I also think it is a tangable goal.  Love and faith might be the two most powerful forces in the universe, and I really think that if you have both on your side, anything can and will happen.  If this wasn't truth then how would there be couples married nearly their entire lives, or people who survive cancer, or paralyzed people learning to walk again?  It's all faith in yourself and your relationships, and love for those lost; if overcoming cancer, or staying with the same person for 50+ years doesn't show that faith and love can get through any obsticle, then I don't know what does.  With that being said i'd only ask that those of you who read this take it in and think about how you really feel, and comments are always good :P

Meg I love you from the depths of my soul.
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