Title: A Little Fall Of Rain
Fandom: Missouri Breaks/One-Eyed Jacks. The first is a Western that contains my favorite Brando performance of all time: that of a psychotic, cross-dressing, lying killer with horrific fashion sense and a habit of ping-ponging between accents. (Seriously. It's awe-inspiring. And friggin' hilarious.) The second is the first and last project directed by Brando, another Western wherein he plays a guy named Rio who mumbles a lot (seriously, could not understand a word he said. Because there wasn't any other director to go, "SPEAK UP, MARLON!") and seduces the daughter of his betrayer, who once was his best friend. For some reason I decided that, in some universe, they were related. This is the result.
Rating: PG-13, for some violence.
Pairing/Characters: Robert Lee Clayton, Rio, Hank the OC jailer
Disclaimer: Not mine, though I am now the proud owner of a bare-bones Missouri Breaks DVD.
Feedback: Yes please!
A/N:Post One-Eyed Jacks, pre Missouri Breaks. The timing’s a little off, but not by much. And in the end, most Westerns seem like they’re happening right around the same time anyway, don’t they?
I seem to feel a headache comin' on...