
Aug 21, 2005 12:22

Ok, for those so eager for it, the second America instillation will be along shortly! However I thought I'd let you know about the very interesting day that I had yesterday first. I was a photographer for the day. You heard it! A real photographer for the day at the European Hockey Championships. You know those guys you see right on the edge of the picth wearing green bibs with the cameras? Yups, that was me!

Quite how I ended up picth side of a large international tournament may at this point be interesting you! Basically what happened was that my friend Daniel had a press accreditaion as the Photography editior for the UCD Observor. He thought he was going to be away, so he rang me up to say I could have his pass, which was really cool, I love photography so the idea of doing it properly for the day was a nice one! However it turned out he could go after all. But instead of us giving up on the idea, we just asked for a press pass for me too. And what's even better is that they gave me one! I was a fully accredited photographer, got some great pics too, we were so close to the pitch it was brilliant, I had a really good time. It was very funny when Avril tried to ring me during the Ireland game. I really wanted to talk with her, like very cool that she tried to ring me from Portugal, but really couldn't talk at that moment! So we had a brilliant day, got to see all the action and have fun. We were even talking to the winning coach at the end who asked us to send him along our pictures for the team!

Great day all in all!

i'm a photographer me

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