I know a number of you are watching my journal because I have said that I would like to translate the future 0409 Yamapi articles.
Well, now there is a wonderful community that translates (including me ;D ) and then puts the text onto the image. We're going to cover all of the old 0409 articles and the future ones. I fail at explaining things so go see for yourself XD :
http://community.livejournal.com/seventeen_0409/ You have to join in order to see the translations. It's totally worth it, so go join. NOW >:] lol. <3
Plus, I translated the one that came out today ^^ It's his first article = interesting = go join NOW >:3 XD lol.
I still plan to continue doing translations in general, so don't de-friend me just yet :)
My request post will be open after a week or so, because I have a biiig project at school and we all know how I am when it comes to procrastinating & loving to translate XD so, be sure to check back soon ^^
oh, and I think it's safe to say that I'm going to post an icon batch sometime this weekend (yay no school on monday = president's day~) 8D