"Doin' what comes natur'ly..."

Jan 03, 2006 01:34

So, I keep hearing this discussion of "nature." WTF? The argument goes roughly, "Well, it isn't natural so clearly it is wrong and we shoouldn't do it." In case you were born yesterday we are not a natural apecies. Medicine, cars, murder, steel, plastic surgery, birth control. None of it is natural. But it's no worries if we use these. People are just dumb. Ignorance is a powerful thing, it is nearly impossible to combat. If people don't know they are wrong they most likely won't change. It's the same idea as colors. Blue is blue but only cuz someone told you that. If I (granted ideal conditions) raised a child and told him grass was blue he most likely would believe me. Put him in a room with another kid who says it's green and they will argue. Both child will steadfastly hold onto their belief because it is all they have ever known. I think that is why we have problems. And yes, I am fully aware that this is no profound idea however, I have spent the evening writing it down so...

Haven't we figured out equality yet?
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