12/12/06 9:09 A.M.
Kristine Crow
Wii're Potentially Lethal
Wii Have A Problem It seems that people just haven't adjusted to the newest line of home technology. Around the nation televisions, windows, ceiling fans, and not to mention girlfriends with blackeyes are suffering.
What is causing the disturbance you may ask? It’s the newest Nintendo game console. Apparently, the safety strap that prevents the Wii controllers from being launched with serious force are either mis-manufactured or improperly used.
The above site includes pictures of these gaming mishaps with quirky stories. There are also accompanying Youtube links to see the Wii assault as it happens.
Also, for those that are interested in a Japanese to English translation of the Wii Safety Manual,
Hahavid has been courteous enough to provide the following video: