As you may or may not know, I went on a three week trip to Europe when I was 17. Shortly before that trip I had started playing, for the first time, an RPG (Star Wars to be exact) and in order to write me out of the plot for three weeks, I kinda got screwed by someone else's character.
While I was away, I kept trying to com up with ways in which to screw the other character over. I enlisted my new friend Jarret's help. We got to talking and he invited me down to the Gamers Club in the mini mall in downtown Red Bank. This is how I really got into gaming and the like.
After my return from Europe I needed to get a job. I had a brief stint slinging Ice Cream at Häagen-Dazs (which I quit after a few months) before getting a job at Jarret's Family Business, "The Costume Shop" (now is Keyport). It was there that I meet Bennet, Jarret's Dad. He was this quirky, strange man who dressed like a Pirate whenever he could. He showed me the ropes and taught me almost everything that I know about costuming. His wife, Diane, taught me a huge amount about stage make-up which is still use today.
That Christmas I cut my teeth on entertaining as 'Elfie', Santa's Hyper-Active elf helper. We would drive from house to house bringing children presents and knowing all sorts of things about them. It was quite possibly one of the best jobs I've ever had. I dressed up as Elmo, Minnie Mouse, The Easter Bunny and so many more. I got to model the new costumes that we got in to put into the costume book.
I got really close to the family. It wasn't uncommon for me to pop over to the house and hang out with Diane. When my dog Belle first got cancer, it was the Camhi's house that I hid in. When I needed someone who wasn't my Mother, I talked to Diane. For Prom, she did my hair and my makeup. I worked on my Sewing project at their house. We had BBQs, dinner, lunch…
It's been years since I talked to Bennet or Diane. I've lost touch with Jarret and the crew for various reasons, but I could still probably find my way through their house in the dark.
Bennet passed away this passed Sunday after a 3 year battle with cancer.
I'm kinda shocked and a little sad. He was only 56.