Jul 11, 2007 09:56
It's been a busy few weeks with a slew of doctor's appointments and convention prep.
I met with my Rheumatologist who has no doubt that I have fibromyalgia. He also saw that I am low on b12 and has ordered that I have a b12 shot for the next few weeks than meet with him again. He gave me a script for a topical cream to help with my muscles, but we're holding off until we have some of the test results back.
I then met my Neurologist who suspects that I have Sensory Auditory Input Disorder. This means that I hear things oddly or not at all due to a discount in my brain (Avie called it). He ordered a EEG (had that yesterday) and a MRI of my brain to rule out seizures.
Saw my PCP due to a 5-Day Headache. We also discussed the b12 issue and she ordered more blood work to see if the I have had this deficiency for a long time. On top of that we are checking my testosterone levels because research has shown that this affects fibro.
Monday I meet this crazy doctor who is now my GI who was a pleasure to work with. She ordered an Abdominal Ultrasound and an Upper GI series so we can rule out some of the scary GI issues. She also ordered a bunch of blood work that I can't remember.
That’s pretty much the long and short of it. We're working our way through it and taking it each day at a time. I am SO incredibly thankful that Avie and Vinny are with me to be my support; I really couldn't do this without them.