Yesterday I had as shittacular day. My head was pounding, I was over tired. I was irritable… Plus I was trying to figure out money stuff plus figuring out grocery shopping stuff. Then I was planning my week.
And did I mention it was Month's end? Yes, shitty day. PLUS my poor
salvius was far away taking care of the Mom and then his work day exploded (but hey, he can't complain too much. He has that new highHIGH end mac. You know the one that runs the Windows emulator faster than a Windows box?).
So I'm in a bit of a mood and my head is still pounding. To add insult to injury because I was feeling crappy, I helped myself to a bag of baked potato chips. Anyway, we get over to Shop Rite, we get our cart and flyer and I beeline for the very VERY pretty looking nectarines. I turn to the boy and ask him how do I tell if they're good ones?
He very calmly picks one up and this comes out of his mouth: "Are you good?" Pause. Stare. Raises fruit to ear and turns to me. "Nope, he says he isn't good." I love my boy!
So we go about our shopping finding some really cool stuff (Swheat Scoop is at normal stores now! Dr. Pragers is TOO!). Head out and home to Central to unload the car filled with Central stuff and for me to get huggles from
Earlier in the day I had reminded her to grab the two blankets that I had delivered to her office a few months back. I get home deal with a little drama (so sick of teh DRAMA likeomiogdstfukthnxbye!) and
gm_avie says that the blankets are in her car. In fact she insists that I go out to her car right now and get them. I arch my eyebrow and go out.
In the bag were my two blankets a green froggie holding a heart that says 'Hugs & Kisses'. I totally melted and asked her when she had gotten it. "I've been holding him for a bad day."
Granted, the day continued to be a touch bleacky (damn freezer being too low in setting.) I got to curl up in my bed clutching my new frog. Even bad days are made better when you're loved and in love.