Weight Watchers - Day 7

Jan 09, 2007 08:42

Okay, so I stepped up on the scale this morning and I gained a lovely 4 pounds. I'm frustrated and cranky about that but I am determined to NOT gain next week. 
gm_avie is saying that it's a false gain, that I'm just retaining water, but it still isn't helping my mood. Coupled with the fact that I was sick on Sunday and I am possibly due for my period… But still, frustrating!

Last night I was in a great mood and made 
gm_avie's Chickpea Stuff (chickpeas, tomatoes, zucchini, onions, garlic over whole wheat pasta and an ounce of feta cheese) and it was so yummy! I forgot how filling it was and I've now decided to cut back on my pasta intake with those dishes; I used to do two servings of the whole wheat pasta, but since I was so full last night, I don't think I need it!

I stayed OP all day yesterday and I didn't eat my Clementines because a) I wasn't hungry and b) they look a little yicky, so they're getting tossed today. I'm not sure what else to keep at my desk to snack on. I might get some pears on the shopping trip tomorrow with 
salvius that didn't happen last night. Instead I got to meet up with the 
gm_avie at Trader Joe's and stock up on supplies since I was in desperate need of veggie turkey and frozen veggies.

I had a great day and I am determined to make today a good one too. Dag'nabit, I'm going to make this weight go away and I'm going to feel good in my skin again and feel oodles healthier.

Breakfast: (0 f/v)
Lemon Tea, with a little bit of milk, sugar (1)
Weight Watchers Black Cherry Yogurt (1)

Lunch (1 f/v)
My daily sandwich (3)
I Gala Apple (1)

PM Snacky (4 f/v)
1 lb of broccoli

After Work Snacky: (0 f/v)
3 perogie (3 pts)

Dinner: (1 f/v)
The DBF's yummy chili because I need comfort food that’s good for me too.

pumpkin, avie, weight watchers, planplanplan, vinny

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