Jun 12, 2006 23:41
It has been brought to my attention that I haven't posted in about a week, which is odd for me and then it was just links.
Currently, I can't sleep. I'd love to, really. But I'm falling asleep. Plenty drowsy, but no Z's.
The main reason I haven't been posting is due to lack of content. I haven't really had anything to say about the world, so I figure why post nonsense?
Andy and D were up this weekend -- we totally played that Everquest game thing. The one for the PS2. Badbad comments were made about Andy's cleric. And my barbarian does not have pants, but chaps. I need not say more.
We did the mall on Saturday where Andy stole my potatoes. He nearly lost a finger, the little bastard.
Sunday I was at Avies and Barb and Tiny showed up too. We watched 'Bullshit' and it was funny.
Yeah... still lacking the content. Think I'm going to try that sleep thing again. Oof.