Jun 12, 2011 06:26
I'm still hurt. I'm still hurt over how things with kyle and I ended. I'm still hurt that things are left unresolved. I'm still hurt that the one person I disliked has everything i worked so hard for. He never wanted a family but because of me he now has a career, a wife , and kids, and none of it with me. It seems like the last 5 years of my life is gone and all that is left is this empty hole of nothingness. Sure I feel love and I feel hate, envy, jealousness, lust, but not happyness. I never gave myself time to heal. I thought Kyle and I had it bad but it was the greatest I ever had. How do you recover from something like that? How do you recover hating who you are because your the one that pushed too far and made him walk away. and your the reason that everything is over. I how do you become happy over that. Even now it still takes my breath away. What do I do now? Thats for another time. I realy shoudlnt'cry at work. Later Dolls.