Classic car Cruise Night, Twitter issues/announcement, and Meme, day 10.

Jun 15, 2011 03:04

Today had a bit of a rough start, but will get into that later. First, THE FUN. There was a local classic car Cruise Night thing in the parking lot around the corner, so I went and took LOTS OF PICTURES for all you wonderful Top Gear fans. Beetles, Mustangs, stuff I didn't know what they were LOL. A Rambler, a Plymouth, a Chevelle, a Pinto, a TR6, a De Tomaso Pantera, and lots of others.

Cruise Night 6-14-11 - 83 pics

ACCURATE ICON IS ACCURATE. *giggles* I was quite pleased with how the pics came out, none of the issues I had with the Pride Parade photos. Some glare, but the sun was out and bright and couldn't do much about that. LOL

Also, came home to find my cats chewed through my USB data/charging cable for my cell phone. >.< Have ordered 2 replacements with Overnight shipping, but it said it still might take 2-5 days. LET US HOPE IT IS 2. *crosses fingers*

Now, Twitter. I don't want to go into details because some of it is guesswork and assumptions, which means they're probably WRONG, but I saw some things on Twitter today that made me think some issues I thought I had put behind me weren't actually settled. I am very ill-equipped when it comes to the more subtle side of interpersonal interaction what with the Asperger's and everything, so yeah, I could be completely off the mark as to what's going on in people's heads, and I don't want to add to/instigate drama. SO. I will just say my piece, mostly so I can get over it and feel better and get back to the fun-having. lol

I want to take this opportunity to make it perfectly clear that if anyone ever wants to unfollow me, that is completely fine with me. And I mean that sincerely, not in some passive-aggressive tone or anything. I think all of you are fabulous people and I'd be sad to see anyone go, but I'd rather that than worry people are rolling their eyes at me or even avoiding me (which as I said, might actually not be happening, I just feel like it might be). Just because we get on all right and like each other as people and are in the same fandom doesn't mean we HAVE to be chummy, and I really would understand. I talk a lot of rubbish, even though I've dialed it WAY down the last couple of weeks. I don't want people following me on Twitter or even friending me on LJ because they feel they should or that it would be rude to unfollow. It would be good practice in emotional maturity for me, I think.

And by the same token, if anyone ever wants ME to unfollow THEM or not reply to them as much, I totally get that and would be fine with doing so. If I can't make people happy, I can at least NOT make them unhappy. I really don't want to be a Drama Llama! *g*

Finally on the subject, I'll be making a concerted effort to use my public nonfandomy Twitter more, you can find me at TheRaqSays if you're interested. :)

THERE. Done with the serious, now on to... oh. Final day of the meme, and it kinda is serious, too. *giggles*

Stolen from sulwen

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot sometimes.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever).
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.

This was the hardest one so far, because I'm basically an open book! Everything I could think of, either I have no real issue admitting it and therefore it's not a confession, or it's stuff I WOULD NOT ADMIT TO, especially on an LJ post. XD Or it involves other people and I don't want to make them uncomfortable. :X SO it took a couple days of thought and asking a few people for opinions, but then I finally thought of one.

Confession: I've never been employed for money. Not under the table, not a summer job as a kid, nothing. I specify 'for money' because part of being on welfare for a few years was doing some work like going to a computer class, or vacuuming rugs in a government building downtown, but that was to offset the money they were already paying me in my benefits, I got no income from it. When I was old enough to work, I'd already dropped out of HS and was extremely debilitated by my depression and anxiety, and I was just never capable. I barely even lasted one semester of 3 classes at community college.

While it's not something I necessarily HIDE, it is a confession because it is something I try to avoid telling people outright. I've been almost attacked for it in the past and it does have an air of shame around it. *nervous* Soooo, yeah. That's my confession. Kinda lame, but it's all I could think of!

Tomorrow, I hope to cap more Wine Adventures. :D

links, meme, picspam

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