Saturday was AWESOME, illustrated. And Meme, day 8.

Jun 12, 2011 20:34

Saturday, June 11th, 2011 was so all-over fantastic that it may be my favorite day ever that did not involve meeting Eddie Izzard. *giggles*

The day got off to a rough start because I had to wake up at 10 AM to get my hair cut at noon. Jana made the appointment for me and she said it was the latest one the stylist had that day, and we had Mom's HS reunion thing to go to in the evening so I dragged myself out of bed after only 5 hours of sleep. I really did try to go to bed earlier the night before, but I really cannot sleep unless I'm exhausted, so it didn't really work. Just lots of tossing and turning.

Anyway, once I got in the shower I felt more like being a person. lol Then it was haircut time!

Pre-cut reference pic:

It actually was longer than it looks, but I can't take pics of my own back. LOL

Jana's stylist, Karen, is really awesome. I've never liked getting my hair cut at a place because of my normal anxiety issues with new people, but also because I refuse to use any kind of product or DO anything with my hair, I just want to be able to wash, brush, and go. Stylists usually are SO PUSHY about "Oh, you can just do this one thing" or whatever and don't listen. But Karen really understands about that kinda thing and is so laid-back and nice. AND, she and Jana surprised me with waxing my eyebrows, which was really great. The process doesn't bother me at all, and actually barely hurt at all. Hopefully I can deal with it better now that I just have to do up-keep.

So I got a kind of inverted bob thing, where it's shorter in the back. I'm really thrilled with it, and everyone else seems to like it, too. :D

Jana was trying to get a pic of the front but we couldn't stop laughing. That's me trying SO HARD not to burst out laughing. And failing. I LOOK SO WEIRD. XD

She tried to get a pic of me on a diagonal, but Neil was goofing off behind me. I was wondering what he was doing to make Jana yell at him... NOW I KNOW. LOL

After the haircut and chilling at Jana & Neil's for a while, Jana and I left Neil to his gaming and went to pick up Mom. Then we went to Target and had fun browsing. I need a bigger tray table-type thing for my laptop so I can have an external HD and new speakers without the cats being able to pull them ON TO THE FLOOR. >.< And I wanted a lap desk/cooling thing for when I use the laptop in bed. Didn't find either, but now I know more about what I want and don't want so I can look around online sometime. I also tried a Monster energy drink for the first time, the Orange + Juice one, it was better tasting than I expected! Also not as hard-hitting as Red Bull, I wasn't as AMPED UP or anything. ALSO, APPARENTLY, you have to show Driver's License ID when buying those air pressure cleaner things for keyboards. O__o

Browsing over, we made our way out to the bar & grill where Mom's unofficial HS reunion was gonna be. It's in a much more suburban/rural area, so the drive was really pretty. We got there about a half hour early, only to see a big sign on the place saying there was some kind of benefit going on. So we were very confused. Mom talked to the manager and he said he knew nothing about the HS reunion thing, for ANY date. There had even been a confirmation email sent out that afternoon so we KNEW it was there and that time, so that means the lady who organized it didn't even arrange it with the restaurant. It was supposed to just be a casual meet-up, but still, did they think it would be okay for people to just SHOW UP or something? >.< ANYWAY, turned out to be a moot point because we waited around for about a half hour and no one came. Which we were actually glad of, because the place was PACKED with the benefit and we were relieved to not have to deal with that.

- Mom and Jana! For those who might wanna see. LOL

- Bored waiting.

- Mom is also bored waiting. She talks when she's bored. LOL

- Trying to get better pics of me/my hair. I like the second one, I may make that my new Twitter/FB/Google pic.

- Then Mom suddenly realised there were DEER in the field behind the restaurant. So we all went to look. There was a whole family of about 5, but my camera being a PHONE camera, none of them showed up. So have some pics of the sky instead.

More pics of the sky, this time from the car. We gave up and went on a drive to find somewhere else to eat that WASN'T horrendously noisy and packed. Mom wasn't even disappointed, she said having the evening free to spend with us and seeing the deer family made it all wonderfully worth it, and Jana and I totally agreed.

- We finally found a Friendly's to eat at, and as we walked in I went to take a pic of Jana and Mom talking, but they saw me and stopped. I was like "No, I want to take a candid picture!" So they POSED. *giggles* I love them.

Dinner was GREAT, nice simple food and YUMMY ice cream for desert. Mom even ended up talking to the manager of the place and turns out he went to all the same schools she did, just 20 years after. *g* So we were like HEY MOM, YOU STILL HAD YOUR REUNION! She died laughing. We ALL died laughing SO MUCH all day, it's been so long since we've all had a wonderful day like that.

RANDOMLY, FOR NO REASON other than, as we've seen, I take pictures when I'm bored: DRIVING AT NIGHT. Kinda trippy. LOL

It took us an HOUR to drive home, we really wandered kinda far. And Jana swung us by our store on the way home so I wouldn't have to walk there after, seeing as it was nearly MIDNIGHT by then. LOL

When I got home, I found a really amazingly sweet email waiting for me from someone special, and it just made it a perfect day. Happy tears are the best way to end the night. ♥

And the meme, stolen from sulwen

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot sometimes.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever).
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.

1. Sense of humor. Which I've already covered, a lot. LOL But really, it's a big turn on, both in general and intimately. Laughter = Nnngh. *giggles*
2. Confidence. In any sense. Strength of character or convictions or passion or whatever. Really draws me to a person. Probly because I don't have much myself. *g*
3. Uh... anyone who knows me (especially through fandom) KNOWS my other turn-ons, I am so transparent. /o\ I'll just bring this full-circle and say my hair. Makes me all wibbly, I really enjoyed myself when Karen was washing it before the haircut. Guh. Play with my hair and I am putty. *giggles*

meme, picspam

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