Vague descriptions of happiness, and Meme, Day 3.

Jun 07, 2011 05:42

*ICON* Me is Dom and Dom is me. :D Obviously I AM back up like I was hoping I would be in my last post of substance. Had a BIT of a blah weekend, because of a few unrelated factors converging, but blah was the worst it was. :) I think ODing on Screenwipe didn't help, either; Charlie Brooker is hilarious, but the subject matter is sometimes a bit grim. >.<

Here is where the vagueness comes in, because some things are TOO personal (and also involve other people and therefore are not appropriate).

So remember how I've been saying I need to be more brave and go with the flow and not over-think things so much? Well, Sunday night I took a huge step in that direction by sending a very brave-pants-wearing email. Gave myself a minor heart attack in the actual moment of clicking the button, but overall I was surprisingly unfreakedout. GO ME. \o/ Of course I had some moments of self-doubt and fear and "WTF HAVE YOU DONE, SELF" the rest of the night, but they were farther between than I expected and relatively easily quelled. ALSO GO ME. \o/ *giggles* I haven't gotten a reply as such, but I don't need one yet. I know that they got it, that it was basically well-received, that things continue on as usual, and that is all. that. matters. I'll happily wait however long it takes. Weeks, even. LOL You guys know my life, I HAVE NOTHING BUT TIME, right? *giggles*

Yesterday was the Pride Parade, which I posted pics and tweeted about. Always fun, even if they moved the post-parade Festivities so it's no longer in walking distance. :P I thought I was gonna be watching it alone for the first time ever, but Mom came to watch, too, and that made my day. :D

Today, Jana came over to do some home improvement for us. She replaced our apartment door knob finally, it's been OVER 6 months at least dealing with the old one duct-taped on and having to kick the door to make it open. >.< Mom went "RAQUEL! WE'RE MIDDLE CLASS NOW!" *giggles* She's too cute sometimes. Then Jana ripped up about half of the old-computer-room/now-cat-room carpet, because it was disgraceful; we need to get a fridge soon (that's been like, TWO years now), and we don't want to be embarrassed when we have Neil's friend help bring it up to the kitchen. Anyway, it was great to see Jana and Mom working together all day without arguing or being mean to each other like they sometimes devolve into. They've both grown a lot the last few years, but Jana especially. She's not all INSTA-RAGE anymore. I'm really proud of her. And yes, we tell her that a lot. *g*

Other than all that, not much been goin on besides chattin with my usual friends. OH and I have counseling tomorrow/today for the first time in a MONTH, omg. Gwen had some vacation time. Idek what happened before 2 weeks ago. LOL But luckily I think enough has happened in those two weeks to keep us occupied in session. *g*

Also, I read this really really really awesome BBC Sherlock meta-fic in an anonmeme because someone on Twitter linked it (WHO WAS IT, SO I CAN SHOWER YOU WITH GRATITUDE). It ate my brain for about TWO HOURS because I am insane and have to read all comments to EVERYTHING. It really felt like a piece of fandom, SO REAL. Index of links is here.

And the meme, stolen from sulwen

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot sometimes.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever).
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.

I'm guessing since they say "cross your mind" that they don't mean things you think about on purpose.

2. I am fat and I really need to do something about it.
3. Random hilarious conversations I've had with people.
4. Various plot bunnies as they stew and ferment. (oh, that sounds wrong. ROFL)
5. If I'm outside, the fear of running into people I know and having to talk to them.
6. Philosophical stuff like how do we know the universe wasn't just created as-is 10 minutes ago, with all our memories and everything pre-installed. (idek, I like that kinda thing.)
7. Someday, I want to write something amazing and beautiful.


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