MEME ANSWERS (Music & 15 Character)

Mar 30, 2011 02:01

First, the easy part! Music Meme answers!

1. Well, it was all that I could do to keep from cryin' - You Never Even Called Me By My Name by David Allen Coe
2. You know how us Catholic girls can be - Forgiven by Alanis Morissette - newwaytofly
3. I look in the mirror and I know I'm a man - Getting Into The Jam by Electric Six
4. Friday night, I crashed your party - You May Be Right by Billy Joel - alisso
5. Where am I today? I wish that I knew - Reasons Why by Nickel Creek
6. Yeah - Yeah - Tell me what you want me to be - Tight by Mindless Self Indulgence
7. Let me show you what I’m made of - In This Life by Chantal Kreviazuk - tigertale7
8. Call me a joker, call me a fool - I Go To Extremes by Billy Joel
9. It must be written that the moon elbowed the stars - World Without by A Fine Frenzy
10. Hold on to the thread - Oceans by Pearl Jam
11. It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside - Your Song by Elton John - kiitos13 & haldir_lives13
12. Well I tried to make it Sunday - Sister Golden Hair by America
13. I woke up, morning, I woke up dead today - Angels Fuck by Jack off Jill
14. Don't go changing to try and please me - Just The Way You Are by Billy Joel - alisso
15. When everything is wrong I'll come talk to you - My Best Friend by Weezer
16. Hey, I'm your life - Sad But True by Metallica - newwaytofly
17. You might been hurt, babe - It's Gonna Be Me by NSync *facepalm* - goluath
18. If you call out loud, will it get inside - Keep The Faith by Michael Jackson ♥♥♥♥♥
19. Darlin' I've been standin' here just watchin' you all night - Me Neither by Brad Paisley
20. All I can say is that my life is pretty plain - No Rain by Blind Melon - alisso
21. Make his fight on the hill in the early day - For Whom The Bell Tolls by Metallica - newwaytofly
22. I didn't want to do it but I got too lonely - Sometimes A Fantasy by Billy Joel

AND NOW THE HARD PART. 15 Character Meme answers!! I tried to mix a bunch of fandoms, so here was my list:

1. Dominic Monaghan (LotR RPS)
2. Richard Hammond (TG UK)
3. Ten (David Tennant's Doctor)
4. Captain Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly)
5. Sawyer (Lost)
6. Billy Boyd (LotR RPS)
7. Captain Jack Harkness (Torchwood)
8. Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
9. Nine (Christopher Eccleston's Doctor)
10. James May (TG UK)
11. Eddie Izzard
12. The Stig (TG UK)
13. Spike (Buffy/Angel)
14. River Tam (Firefly)
15. Jeremy Clarkson(TG UK)

kiitos13 asked:

How drunk would Ten and The Stig have to be to sleep with each other? And bonus question: Would they enjoy it?

RIGHT FROM THE START, THIS IS INSANE. XD Okay, since they're both ALIENS and who knows what kind of mojo Stig has working for him, they probly wouldn't have to get THAT drunk. Well. Stiggy would definitely have to get Ten more drunk than him. AND HELL YES, THEY'D ENJOY IT, how could they not. *giggles* Ten's already shown that he enjoys using his tongue. ;)

marginaliana asked:

Billy Boyd and The Stig are in fandom. What fandoms are they in and what pairings do they write?

*FACE. PALM.* Oh my god. *clutches at straws* Well, since Billy is so PROUD of his clean driving licence, they're probably in the Top Gear fandom. Stig writes graphically pornographic car/car fics (which no one understands) and keeps leaving oddly serious feedback to all the crack, while Billy writes a lot of gen TG3 banter-centric fic and is very upset about the slash contingent, continually arguing that just because a couple of mates take the piss out of each other a lot doesn't mean they're shagging. Really. Honest. No, he's not being defensive. :X

alisso asked the following:

Ten and The Stig go on a first date. Where do they go, what do they do, who pays, and is there a second date on the cards? *g*

So this is like a prequel to kiitos13's question. XD Stig takes Ten back to his home planet because they both need a break from Earth for a bit. Stig has to pay since Ten NEVER CARRIES MONEY WITH HIM. They were going to just do the Stig-planet version of dinner and a movie, but of course there's some big plot that needs foiling, so they wind up with just a couple late night drinks in Stig's local. Then the drinking and the sex. *giggles* They're both workaholics, so I doubt there'd be a second DATE, but probly some shagging in the TARDIS once in a while. ;)

Captain Jack Harkness and Sawyer meet in a bookstore, reaching for the same book - what's the title and why do they want it? *g*

The book: How To Be A Sexy Bastard And Use It To Get What You Want. The reason? BECAUSE THEY ARE CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS AND SAWYER. XD Bonus answer: Captain Jack strikes up a conversation about the book, they go for a beer, Sawyer wakes up in the morning wondering why he's so sore and why he came home without the book he had gone to get. ROFL

deliciousmelody asked the following:

Richard Hammond and James May are both in love with Ianto Jones. Which one would Ianto choose?

ROFL I am so not surprised that you of all people randomly found Richard and James on this list. :P Ianto would be politely flustered, but he's completely in love with Captain Jack, so he'd do what he does best (make coffee and tea) and then politely turn them both down. So of course Richard and James take solace in each other. A few times. And then again in the morning. ;)

AFTER KNOWING WHO 2 AND 10 WERE AND CLEARLY CHEATING: What is it about Richard that James loves the most? And vice versa XD

James loves Richard's snarky sense of humor, loyalty, and energy. Richard loves James' sneakily wry sense of humor, need for control, and his eyes. ;)

venusinthenight asked the following:

What are Jeremy Clarkson's chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse?

If he makes it home and miraculously manages to board up the house without maiming himself, than his guns just might give him the advantage he needs to live, especially if his family is there. If he's caught out somewhere else, alone? Um... Not good, mate. If he's caught out with James and Richard?? THEY ARE ALL GOING TO DIE because it'll become a competition. XD

How would Richard Hammond get along with James May?

ROFL Um, watch Top Gear. That's basically it. XD Depending on your pairing inclinations, they'd get along reeeaaalllyyy well. ;) *giggles*

Would Captain Jack Harkness look good in drag?

Jack looks good in anything. And he'd love to prove it to you. ;)

goluath asked:

Captain Malcolm Reynolds and Captain Jack Harkness find a dead body in the woods, how do they react?

This has to be Pre-DW/Serenity, so they're just out both being Con Artist Captains (there must be a retreat in the area), so they of course roll the body for cash and valuables, while Captain Mal keeps jumping at every noise thinking it must be Reavers. Captain Jack tries to comfort him, and that scares Mal more than the thought of Reavers. XD

promisethstars asked the following:

Ten and Nine are co-owners of some kind of company. What kind of company is it, and is Jeremy Clarkson a client there?

ROFL TEN AND NINE HAVE TO BE CO-OWNERS, THEY'RE THE SAME PERSON. They have to set up a time-bubble in the vortex just to have budget meetings without the universe collapsing. The company is a front, a celebrity rehab/counseling place that is actually a place for stranded aliens to go for amnesty, help, and rides home without causing a scene on Earth. Jeremy was referred there to help him quit smoking. He stopped going after just a few appointments, there were some REAL mentalists in the waiting room. And he's pretty sure the doctor shouldn't have been blue.

Billy Boyd and Ianto Jones are actually siblings! How does the news go over when they find out?

LOL Oh god, I do not know enough about Scottish/Welsh relations. XD I'm sure Billy will be thrilled to have more family, and will be even more excited about it once he finds out what kind of job Ianto has. Ianto will be overwhelmed trying to keep Jack from finding out he has a movie star brother. XD Billy: "If he wants an autograph or a picture, that's no problem." Ianto: "I wish that were all it was..." *giggles*

Dominic Monaghan, Captain Malcolm Reynolds, Captain Jack Harkness, and Eddie Izzard are on a game show. Spike is the host. What game show is it, and how do they do on it? What kind of host is Spike?

I NEED THIS SHOW ON MY TELEVISION SET. Spike is the most sarcastic snarky laid-back host ever (this is post-soul, clearly). Judging by the guest list, it's like QI on crack, and Spike continually heavily favors Dom & Eddie because they are ENGLISH and therefore SUPERIOR. Eddie edges out a win for his random knowledge of the Chinese Boxer Rebellion (he saw a documentary last week, and obviously Spike knows he's correct). Jack tries to flirt his way to bonus points, and it works surprisingly well for all Spike's accused ANGEL of being a poof. Mal's just kinda O___O over it all and he keeps asking Spike if he knows a guy by the name of Badger.

Richard Hammond decides to start a solo career singing. What would their album sound like, and more importantly, would it sell?

First of all, the album would sell far better than James and Jeremy would expect, but no where near as well as Richard himself thought it would. XD It would probably sound like a 70's rock band with shades of punk and metal (with prominent bass lines *giggles*).

Sawyer and The Stig are secretly dating! What is the reaction of the world when they announce it, and why is River Tam so jealous?

The world is more surprised by Sawyer dating a faceless mystery possibly-alien than the fact that it's another dude (because really, everyone saw his chemistry with Jack ROFL). River is jealous because WHO WOULD NOT BE JEALOUS OF ANYONE DATING SAWYER, okay? Even River wants to get down with that. Nngh.

invisiblecake asked:

Ten, Stig, and Captain Malcolm Reynolds host a popular car-based television show. What sort of trouble do they get in, and what is their tame racing driver's secret identity?

*giggles* I would watch this show EVERY DAY. They'd have the most trouble with the modifying cars challenges because they'd all have spaceship/alien/timetravel technology and there would be lots of fires and mysteriously glowing fuel tanks and laser headlights. Their tame racing driver's secret identity would clearly be James May's Mum. XD

cjspooks asked the following:

If Captain Malcolm Reynolds and Eddie Izzard switched bodies, how would their respective universes react?

Mal would be surprisingly comfortable in Eddie's wardrobe (have you seen him working that bonnet?), though not at ALL on stage. He'd have to go into hiding, and rumors would abound that 'Eddie' was having a nervous breakdown. Eddie on the other hand would be having the time of his life. HE'S A CAPTAIN. IN SPACE. WITH AN UNDERSTANDING "COMPANION" ON BOARD THAT HE CAN BORROW CLOTHES FROM. After a day, though, Zoe would definitely knock him unconscious and lock 'Mal' in his room, thinking he'd lost his mind. XD

If Nine could travel anywhere in the universe, where would they go and why?


*flops* omg that took hours. LOL


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