Just like the subject says, new SD wallie under the cut. I made it for 1280x800 only, so no other versions this time.
So lots of things to say about this. Number one: Chigusa is a hot motherfecker. Or maybe motherfacker. The taking off the goggles image is just so damn sexy. I still love Rakan and I love this pairing. Although I like Narushige too, there's just something that hooks me to Chigusa. Number two: my attempts to redraw the white stems actually turned out well considering I'm using only a laptop touchpad. My pointer finder control is getting really good. I'm impressed. Number three: if she keeps putting awesome artwork in her manga I'm never going to get anything productive done.
Thanks to the scanner: hyrami I can actually give scanner credit for once. Yay!
I also updated my Red Tape Friending section this evening. I will now friend everyone back who friends me regardless of your LJ content. I didn't expect to do many friends locked posts when I started, but I feel most comfortable putting anything of adult material or well, porn, behind a friends lock. If you want to be friended by me without friending me, just drop a comment in my most recent post.