Lots of people don't like the new Livejournal comments pages. They've added "classic comments" to the Minimalism style, but for whatever reason they coded it so that turning it on means that custom css no longer works. And that's the extent they're going to accommodate us
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I've got a tiny tweak for Smooth Sailing, if you'd be willing to make it. This bit of code will add the option to show tags as a cloud instead of a list.
(I'd just make it myself, but it's one that has to go in a theme layer or the original layout, and sadly because of LJ's weird "won't make public even if you tell it to" thing, we can't make our own theme layers for somebody else's style. Plus if it gets made to the original, then everybody who uses it has the option, not just me!)
ETA: sigh, LJ, way to turn some of the code into actual html *edits in the escape characters*
# Function to print a tag cloud in Smooth Sailing's sidebar.
function Page::lay_print_sidebar_tags() {
# Configurable Settings - you can change what is in red.
var int minSize = 10; # minimum size of tag links, in pixels
var int maxSize = 24; # maximum size of tag links, in pixels
var string tagPageLinkText = "View my Tags Page"; # text to link to the tags page
var TagDetail[] pagetags = $this->visible_tag_list();
if (size($pagetags) < 1) { return; }
var int most_count = 1;
""";- $td.name
foreach var TagDetail td ($pagetags) {
if ($td.use_count > $most_count) { $most_count = $td.use_count; }
foreach var TagDetail td ($pagetags) {
var string uses = get_plural_phrase($td.use_count, "text_tag_uses");
var string security = $td.visibility;
var int tagtextsize = $minSize;
if ($td.use_count > 1) {
$tagtextsize = (($maxSize-$minSize)*$td.use_count)/$most_count + $minSize;
if ($tagPageLinkText!="") { """ $tagPageLinkText"""; }
You should find a few new properties on the Sidebar tab of the "Customize Your Theme" page.
Though -- maybe it's something else I have set that's messing with it? -- while it's doing the font-size thing (more uses, larger font), it's still displaying the tags as a list instead of inline.
While choosing list, ironically, displays them inline.
*edits for the third time to put in the THANK YOU that should have been there from the start*
There was some CSS for that edit that you didn't tell me about. Check your journal now.
It looks lovely; merci beaucoup!
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