Apr 16, 2006 21:55
Here is my first entry. I'm not much of a writer, but getting the words out allows me to release what is in my head without having to talk to anyone about. Not that would mind sharing my thoughts, I just don't think people can understand me totally, which would end up making it a total waste of my time. I don't want to trouble people's simple minds with my thoughts of complexity. Plus, the fact that I am almost always 100% random in thinking would just lose so many people anyway. By staying random I can say what I mean without being criticized. Safe myself the trouble right? I dunno. Maybe it will just all come to me one day. I don't care what others think of me, but I do care when they start to bug me about it. Like I'm going to change for them. PLEASE.If you live for others, you aren't really living. If someone doesn't like you for who you REALLY are then forget them. Its their loss. Wasting our time to become like the "norm" is a waste of life. Like for example...if I wear jeans and a polo to school...then the next day i'm wearing a t-shirt w/ a smart ass comment and etnies...everyone freaks out and is like WOAH...you're dressing weird. Do I seriously have to wear the same style everyday? I'm a versatile person. I like them all. I don't want to be labeled as a prep or punk or ghetto. I just want to be known for me and my personality...not by what's in my wardrobe. Ugh...I hope i'm not the only one who feels this way...otherwise I might be in trouble! Oh well...die being true! These are the thoughts that have flooded me during my "virgin" journal entry. Over and out...