Jan 15, 2008 18:48
I went to the lifeline bookfest today at the convention centre. I spent a little bit but that's ok. All the books I bought came from the rare book tables :)
Voila! J'ai acheté....
1. Alan Moorehead-The Blue Nile
2. Mrs J. B, Webb- Naomi (aka: The Last Days of Jerusalem- mum told me itis a bible story... DAMN! Oh well I'll still read it)
3. Jules Verne-Voyage au Centre de la Terre
4. Voltaire (from the 'Foreign Classics for Enlgish Readers' collection)
5. The Oxford Book of French Verse: xxiiith Century- xxth Century
6. Calmann-Lévy, Théatre (featuring- Le Réveillon/ Le Brésilien/Froufrou/La Belle Hélène/L'été de la Saint-Martin)
7. Alexandre Dumas, Les Trois Mousquataires (haha! I didn't even twig it was the 3 muskateers)
Maintenant, Je suis très content