Livejournal is back mofuggas.

Sep 17, 2009 11:25

wow, daishas right, this shit is crazy. I remember the first livejournal i had, i had to delete because my mom saw my friends journals and we all got in trouble and i had to make a new one lol.  Soooo, this are crazy different from the last time i posted in here. I'm still dating ricky, coming up on 3 and a half years, and even though we've been through alot, and recent things have been testing us, were closer than we ever have been. I'm turing 21 next week and I now have a beautiful 5 week old son named Cameron who is the love of me and Rickys lives. I'm loving staying at home taking care of him, i finally have an excuse t o watch cartoons lol. I'm not friends with most of the people i used to be friends with, but i still have the people that really count and care about me. I see my best friend daisha everyday and shes a huge help in giving advice in parenting because she went through it a year ago. My parents moved to wash dc a couple years ago and i miss them sooo much, but i love my little family now and wouldnt trade my boys for anything.  Other han that im still lamo lowey =) and im happy with that.
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