hell yeah im bored.....

Jul 03, 2004 18:42

Name]: sarah nicole miranda
[Does your name mean anything?]: princess...hell yeah
[Were you named after anyone?]: sarah from the bible
[Nick Name(s)]: damn bitch i guess

[Current Location]: oceanside
[Shoe Size]: 8
[Hair color]: brown

[Eye color]: brown
[Innie or Outie?]:innie
[Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?]: righty
[Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?]: straight

Do You Have...
[Any sisters]: 2
[Any brothers]: nope
[Any pets]: yeah a cat
[A Disease]: umm i dont think so
[A Pager]: hmmm somewhere maybe....haha no
[A Personal phone number]: yuppers
[A leather jacket with studs on it?]: i have a leather jacket my dad wants to give to brian because it used to be his
[A heroin needle]: oh yeah baby...haha NO
[A Pool or hot tub]: both...a pool and hot tub
[A Car]: yeah
[A Job]: yuppers

Describe Your...
[Driving]: pretty decent
[Car or one you want]: red camery
[Room]: blue walls with pictures and posters everywhere...but i want to change the wall color
[Shoes]: hot pink heals...white sandals...black vans...black and pink vans
[School]: el camino high school
[Bed]: full
[Relationship with your parent(s)]: pretty good but we do have our fights
[Believe in yourself]: usually
[Do you believe in love at first sight?]: not sure
[Consider yourself a good listener] : hell yeah
[Consider yourself a good friend]: you answer this..i think so
[Save your aim conversations]: sometimes
[Like to make fun of people]: depends on who the person is...i kno i can be mean
[Like to talk on the phone]: totally

Do you...
[Like to drive]: yeah
[Get motion sickness]: no
[Eat Chicken fingers with a fork]: no
[Dream in color]: almost always
[Sleep with a stuffed animal]:yeah just one

What Last/ Is/Are/Was...
[Right next to you]: a bunch of people on the couch
[On your mouse pad]: dont have one
[Your dream car]: hmmmmm
[Your dream honeymoon spot]: italy
[Your bedtime]: depends on the time of the year
[Under your bed]: dust
[Your bad time of the day]: when i first wake up...just ask brian...or when you wake me up in the middle of the night
[Your worst fear(s)]: spiders
[The time?]: 10:30pm
[The date?]: 7/3/04
[The hardest thing about growing up]: having to grow up
[Your funniest experience]: hmmmm where do i start
[Your scariest moment]: having to tell the truth about that thing
[The worst feeling in the world]: leaving the people you love
[The best feeling in the world]: laughing pure laughs....being with friends and family

[Number]: 7
[Color]: green a red
[Month]: unsure
[Song]: for the moment...rank-n-file anit-flag
[movie]: a far off place
[Food]: i love food
[Sport]: baseball
[Class]: the labs in apchem...yearbook
[Teacher]: hmmmmm

[Drink]: water
[Veggie]: what kinda of question is this
[TV Show]: deggrassi
[Store]: hmmmmmm
[Flower]: i love flowers
[State]: i love north carolina and georgia

[Do you have a bf/gf?]: no
[If you're single... why are you single?]: because i havent found the right guy
[How long was your longest relationship]: n/a
[How long was your shortest relationship]: n/a
[What is the biggest mistake you’ve made in your life]: hmmmm
[What is the last thing you said?]: sleep in my room
[Who is the last person you saw?]: patti
[Who is the last person you kissed?]: i gave my sister a good night kiss
[Who is the last person you hugged?]: emily
[Who is the last person you fought with?]: my mom
[Who is the last person you were on the phone with?]: brian
[What are you wearing?]: blue tee and levis jeans
[What are you doing?]: talking
[Who are you talking to?]: everyone in my house
[What song are you listening to?]: the tv
[Where are you?]: the livingroom
[Who are you with?]: people
[How are you feeling?]: happy
[Are you in a chat room?]: no
[What day is it tomorrow?]: sunday
[What are you going to do after this?]: sleep
[Who are you going to talk to?]: autumn
[Where are you going to go?]: bed
[How old will you be when you graduate?]: 18
[What do you want to be?]: unsure
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