My mouth is dry... my face is numb...

Nov 29, 2005 14:39


So yeah, I woke up bright and early... right around the 7:02 am mark. I didn't even need to wake up until 8:30. My body just suddenly jolted awake. I attempted to lay down and fall back asleep, but hell no... my body was up, and my mind was already active. I hopped out of bed and took my shower... got dressed and all that. And then, ladies and gentlemen, I did something historic... for the first time this semester, I went to breakfast.

Come to think of it, I think today was the first time I ate breakfast in a long assed time. Including at home.

So anyway, I went to my racial diversity and math classes solo today. That was boring. We got in these stupid groups in the diversity class to do some project... and as always, I got stuck with the fuckheads in the class. I refuse to pull any extra weight for this though. Just isn't gonna happen. Even if my grade suffers.

Anywho, I forgot to mention all the great times shared with Bret Baber this past weekend. I hung out with my best little buddy 3 days in a row. It was awesome... I realized how much I actually miss him. If I do have to leave college, I think I'm not getting a bad deal by living with the man. As a matter of fact, I'm looking forward to it (should I leave CMU).

I hate the fact that it's cold outside now.

There's really only like 2 weeks left of school this semester. It flew by. It's gonna suck having to leave and not see people anymore... especially if I never come back, let alone just for winter break.

But anyway...

So Dan wanted the return of my movie and album ratings. I thought about it, and I decided to give the fans what they want. You see, if some of you schmucks actually spoke up and COMMENTED once in a blue moon, you'd see that I am very generous to my fans. So Dan, this is for you.

I know I don't have the legit copy of this album YET, but having heard my burned copy several times now, I think I can make a fair judgement. I am of course talking about the new Franz Ferdinand album, "You Could Have It So Much Better". Being a huge fan of their debut album, I was quite looking forward to what the lads from across the pond were going to throw at us next. I can now happily say that it was pure genius that they'd be throwing. As a matter of fact, I think this new album takes what was good about their last one, and builds upon it. And while I can't confirm 100% that "You Could Have It So Much Better" topples their previous studio effort, I can tell you that it's looking to turn out that way. So, on Tony's Scale of Album Ratings, I give Franz Ferdinand's "You Could Have It So Much Better" a resounding A. Give it a listen, and walk away satisfied.

Well, that about does it for me today. Check back soon for updates on the ever so unexciting life of George Anthony Adam Todoroff III.
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