UPDATES!! ^//0//^

Feb 06, 2011 11:28

Hello everyone! Long time no updates ne?? Hahah well here's some... I'll be sure to update more soon.

Hahah and hello the month of love~~ be on the look out for a new one shot coming soon...XD"

That's all... enjoy~♥

Title: atmoshpere angel
Chapter:  18
Author: ameshizuku 
Genre: love?
Pairing: ShouxHiroto
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: My wish is to own them....but I do not...
Summary:  He looked up at the empty sky and scanned the blue hues until he spotted an object falling from the sky. It came closer towards the campus

Previous: ameshizuku.livejournal.com/17266.html#cutid1

http://ameshizuku.livejournal.com/33112.html#cutid1 )


Title: Do you... love me?
Author: ameshizuku 
Chapter: 6/?
Band(s)/Artist(s): Alice Nine, The Gazette, Kagrra, Melody., Miyavi
Pairing(s): Nao(a_9)xKai (mian), SagaxTora, AoixUruha, RukixReita, ToraxSaga, ShouxHiroto, MiyavixMelody., IsshixAkiya, Nao(kagrra)xShin, IzumoxOC
Summary: School boys falling in love... sweetness!!
*Author's NOTE: I wrote this fanfic with one of my friends... haha not all of thses ideas came from me, but we worked together on this.. enjoy~♥ haha she got me into writing a NaoKai fic just to show 'em some love~

Previous: http://ameshizuku.livejournal.com/28208.html

http://ameshizuku.livejournal.com/33462.html#cutid1 )


Title: Please don't let me go. Don't leave me here
Author: ameshizuku 
Chapter(s):  22/?
Pairing(s): Shou x Hiroto ToraxSaga NaoxKai
Rating: PG (right now)
Diclaimer: As much as I would love to own them...(;_;)I don't, just the action and story

Fic Archive: http://ameshizuku.livejournal.com/18770.html#cutid1

( http://ameshizuku.livejournal.com/33612.html )


Author: ameshizuku 
Title: Our little gift.
Chapter: 4
Band: Alice Nine
Pairing: ShouxHiroto (main) ToraxSaga, NaoxKai, and maybe some more...??
Disclaimer: Alice Nine members and Gazette members own themselves... I did nothing but create a wanted fantasy between them all.
Rating: PG-13-ish
Summary: Remember when you said you'd take care of me no matter what? Well I don't think I matter as much anymore... We have a new situation.

Archive:  ameshizuku.livejournal.com/26691.html
http://ameshizuku.livejournal.com/34267.html#cutid1 )
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