Feb 06, 2013 10:23
Is this thing still on? I miss live journal, guys. I miss the comments and the icons and the way we all used to post amazing stuff and didn't have to worry about liking or following or whatever. Tumblr is fun and all but...
So hi. I've been working a LOT. I haven't had a chance to respond to many things because any free time I get that isn't with my family or current love interest has been spent writing. But there are some fun things coming up and I do want to make an effort to post here more often.
Also, I'd like to officially announce that my obsession with Naya Rivera has reached a dangerous level. It's so bad that my girlfriend has actually announced that I talk about her so much SHE had a sex dream about her.
The most annoying thing about that is that I wasn't even in the dream. And I didn't get to watch.
Super lame.
misty in real life