Oh my poor, gay little woobie.

Mar 09, 2011 09:31

Glee, how can you be so terrible and still be so amazing at the same time? You give me such heart-achey whiplash.

Aw, Santana. Just when you finally pluck up the courage to finally admit to yourself and your best friend that you're head over heels in love with her and don't want to be with anyone else, you find out it's too late, and get your heart broken into tiny, painful shards.

I don't think my love for Naya Rivera can get any bigger, really. She's just fantastic, and just proven how worthy she is of the extra screen time that she's been getting. I adore that she's been developed and given actual layers, but OMG, does the poor dear have to suffer so much?

And Brittany had her own momentary gay panic, I think. I don't think she understood what she was doing when she pushed Santana to reveal her feelings. She wasn't prepared for just how deep they were, and I think she stuck to the safety of Artie because it doesn't confuse her the way Santana does.

But that one moment of utter peace and happiness and relief when Santana finally revealed herself via 'Landslide'?

OMG, beautiful.

Regarding Emma? Gah. Her obsession with Will just makes me want to HATE. Being scared of sex because of a mental disorder? I get it. Saving yourself for Will Schuester, the Douche, and leading on yet another guy, and this time, beautiful Hot Carl?

Fuck off.


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