(no subject)

Dec 25, 2005 00:01

Some interesting notes from "vacation"

1. What the hell is the point of driving 8 hours to a "cold state" if you dont even have snow. 53 degrees on christmas day is just not acceptable.
2. My mom genuinely thinks there is a universal key to open any door anywhere. Im worried about her logic skills.
3. My sister may be the biggest closeted judgemental person EVER. This I knew, but 8 hours in a car with her really solidified it.
4. Doing shots of Jager with your father is a great idea.
5. Doing shots of Jager with a dad that then tells your whole family that you were trashed last night, who then continue to rib you about it the entire christmas eve celebration (including church) is not a great idea. I was not trashed at all. I did 4 shots of Jager and had a beer. For those of you who truly consider me friend know this is nothing.
6. My cousin Chris smokes...this is new...and I was too much of a pussy to ask to bum one...majorly sucks when your on a jager buzz.
7. I slept till 4 PM today. The chances of me having mono seem high at this point.
8. My teeth hurt like fuck and I left my hydrocodone at home...what the hell was I thinking?
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