
Jun 18, 2005 03:16

I love tags, but I'm still not quite sure I get how they work in a community.

Below is a list of tags* I have already created using previously posted drabbles. I suggest the following:

::each drabble use separate tags for each character in a pairing (tag: CJ, tag: Toby) as opposed to one tag (tag: CJ/Toby). (This might help to sort some of the more uncommon pairings, and it's particularly useful for those naughty threesomes.)

::each drabble be marked with one of three ratings (I think they cover the basics, anything more just gets confusing)

- pea.gee
- arr
- en.sea.xvii

Tags thus far:

abbey, amy, andy, ann stark, bonnie, bruno, carol, cj, cliff, danny, donna, ginger, jed, john hoynes, josh, katie, leo, mandy, margaret, sam, toby, will, rated: arr, rated: pea.gee, rated: en.sea.xvii

Let's see how this goes. Or, alternatively, we could just blow off tags altogether.

ETA:* I've added the tags to this post to get them in there for future use.

donna, cj, bruno, en.sea.xvii, abbey, sam, pea.gee, danny, amy, will, kate harper, jed, leo, ann stark, mandy, margaret, tags, josh, cliff, ginger, john hoynes, carol, andy, katie witt

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