I love tags, but I'm still not quite sure I get how they work in a community.
Below is a list of tags* I have already created using previously posted drabbles. I suggest the following:
::each drabble use separate tags for each character in a pairing (tag: CJ, tag: Toby) as opposed to one tag (tag: CJ/Toby). (This might help to sort some of the more uncommon pairings, and it's particularly useful for those naughty threesomes.)
::each drabble be marked with one of three ratings (I think they cover the basics, anything more just gets confusing)
- pea.gee
- arr
- en.sea.xvii
Tags thus far:
abbey, amy, andy, ann stark, bonnie, bruno, carol, cj, cliff, danny, donna, ginger, jed, john hoynes, josh, katie, leo, mandy, margaret, sam, toby, will, rated: arr, rated: pea.gee, rated: en.sea.xvii
Let's see how this goes. Or, alternatively, we could just blow off tags altogether.
ETA:* I've added the tags to this post to get them in there for future use.