Oct 24, 2005 17:01
In other news, wombats have taken the president of Aulstralia hostage today, they say if their demands are not met they will be forced to bludgen him to death with the native peoples ancient technique of boom-a-rang to death, as other civilizations threw stones at someone till they were dead, this group threw boom-a-rangs at the prisoner's head until they died, then fed them to the Bird Eating Spider Crocidile, which of course, is a very strange cross breed of a crocidile and a giant spider. In London, A giant monster and giant robot were wrecking havoc upon the city, and when their paths crossed, they seemed to fall in love, 9 months later, they gave birth to Wombzilla. One last look at todays weather, at a cool tempeture of 5:14 and small Apocolypse heading our way. Have A great day. God save the wombats!
And... uhm... anyone get a chance to watch the independent film channel? Dude, I love ON DEMAND, it saves me from the commercial crap on TV, and I can watch independent films!~ woot, just till I get better thou... this whole TV thing is just, horrible for ones mind.
....okay. Good night all 5 people who read this!