Jan 02, 2006 05:12
"so this is the new year...."
i have to say that 2005 was insanely different from any previous year. i guess it just brought so many different things that i never expected. you could probably think of any adjective,seriously the first one that comes to your mind,and it would in some way describe 2005 for me. i'm not even kidding,i could put every adjective there is (maybe minus a few) into this: "2005 was...." and it would be true. haha,wow. it was absolutely crazy. but what's really weird is that i can't even tell if i liked it overall or not. i can't say,'well...2005 was good',or '2005 was bad'. i don't know what i would say. maybe it's in-between. i would have to overlook a lot of bad things to say that it was a good year,but then i would have to overlook probably more good things to say it was bad. ha...i really just don't know. one thing can be said for sure>i'll never forget it.
new year's are always exciting...you just really never know what they're going bring. i hope i can say that 2006 was an awesome year. i'm looking forward to seeing what it holds. i'm most likely going to say that 2006 was a whole lot different than even 2005...with college starting and all. ooh man,that'll bring some change. that's actually kind of sad for me,but change can be good. new starts can also be exciting. so i'm just gonna make it that way. well,those were just my thoughts on the past year and this brand new one. have a good rest of the break.
"....and i don't feel any different."