Mar 21, 2006 19:33
Hey dudes! I can only get online for a bit before my rents get home and see that I'm not studying my eyes out. Only 3 weeks 'til I see MJ! I'm more than excited! Still nervous about the dance team tryouts...
K, just so y'all know... there is this guy at Mann called Kenny and he reminds me of MJ so I like to kinda... stalk him. XD Not like I'm going to ask him out or anything. He doesn't even know I exist... unless he's checked his myspace. XD I sent him a friend request. Anyways, I just thought I should mention that I'm a stalker! XD
Other thought! My DDR team is extremely lazy. We don't play very often and we don't go to tournaments either. So I met this guy at school called Drew and he has a really stellar DDR team. There are six on them, they are really good, they go to tournaments all the time and practice a lot and they are undefeated. I'm thinking I might try to get on his team since they are much more active. Only I don't know if they'll let me because I'd be the only girl and I don't know any of his friends. But who cares, it's worth a try.