Sep 05, 2008 21:24
I did it, I finally accomplished two things that I had greatly wanted to accomplish before the end of summer.
1) I have finally paid off my Point Park account, no more $7, 530 debt that has been holding me from either registering for classes this semester or transferring to another college.After playing phone tag with the credit management plce, I finally was able to set up a money transfer to pay it off after I had been saving money since I started three jobs. It feels as though a HUGE (grand Canyon-sized if you will) weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I feel so accomplished with myself being that no one really helped me pay it off least of all my parents who didn't really put any money towards it. Now I just have to finish my application to Penn State and pray to God that I recieve an acceptance letter from University Park for Spring 2009 semester and everything will be set. Cross your fingers, it's my dream as of the moment.
2)I finally put my two weeks in at Sheetz, I'm absolutely done working for them. After all of the crap I have had to deal with from them, I think that I have been pretty patient and very understanding up until recently. I dealt with the fact that every month I had to ask my manager for more hours to possibly get my much needed (and what I thought was deserved) health benefits that I had been promised from the getgo. I faced the fact that I only got one or two nights off a week which were usually Tuesdays and maybe Sundays so I hardly had any time from my friends. I understood that after 6 months of dating JT and I were no longer allowed to work together and therefore had to alternate schedules which has put a major strain on our relationship. I had to grin and bare it when the girl that I had trained became a shift supervisor over me. I was still fine with working there, it wasn't until people started to try and backstab me for no reason that a little red flag flew up into the air. Once I had recieved my first meeting with my manager and our DM for supposedly having said the "C" word out on the salesfloor where a 1st shift employee had heard me, I knew somethign was fishy. I would never say that word, I find it offensive to my gender and have never used it before in my life so why would I now? Secondly, I would've been off the clock by that point not wearing my uniform or name tag and walking out with two other employees, one of which being a shift supervisor. Then two weeks ago I was called in on my day off (my one of the week) to recieve yet another meeting, this time their story had changed. Now, apparently I had said the "C" word while clocking in on a Friday night in the office where there were two managers (one of which being JT who they refused to contact since we're in a personal relationship) and other co-workers, two of which (who apparently could never speak to one another to concoct such a plan) had heard me say it. I love when stories change, but still try and screw someone over! Not only that but people were telling my manager things that I had never said about her and apparently JT and I had crossed the line between business and professional when we both requested a day off to go see Jeff Dunham. That was it, I was done. I was so tired of this lying bullshit and stupid high school drama that I turned in my two weeks right there. As of next week, I'm done completely. I can finally have a life again. I can finally see my friends again (when they come back from college and whatnot), and I can dance whenever I want to. I needed to quit. I simply needed it.
Other things that are going on:
- Hailey and I managed to get into a show with Zafira Dance Company for a show on October 11. So we've been trying to get together to create a dance to perform while trying to further our love of bellydance.
- I'm heading off to Arizona for almost a week with JT and Alita to go visit Steve in Yuma since he's on boarder patrol there. one of my dad's friends lives out there and is kind enough to extend an invitation to dinner while we're over there. We'll be gone Sept. 14-19.
- I've been walking Cocoa and Rogue almost everyday, today we decided to go for a hike at War Memorial Park which was awesome. It was so calm and soothing and just seemed to make the whole stress of life melt away. Odd enough, while I was driving with girls in the car (Rogue in the front seat and Cocoa in the back) it just felt so right, it made sense.
- I've been e-mailing the admissions office at Penn State to see what I need to do in order to apply and bring my credits from Point Park with me so that I don't lose them and have to take the classes over again if they were to accept me. Honestly, I need to get out of here, I don't want to go to college in or around Pittsburgh. I need to be somewhere where I can enjoy the whole college experience, walk all over campus, go to rioting football games, sleep in loud dorm, and attend after-class activities. I think being away from all of this will be good for me and every since I went to Penn State to visit Paul last fall I have loved the campus, buildings, people, and the atmosphere in general.
- I've been thinking about my relationship a lot especially with the possibility of me going away for school. One of the main reasons that Paul and I had broken up was because I couldn't do the whole long distance relationship thing, I can't stand to be away from someone I lvoe and care about for long periods of time. I mean my relationship is going well even with the strain of not being able to see one another as often as we'd like so I wouldn't want to just end it. I don't know, my mind has been going hundreds of miles per minute and dwelling on things and thinking too much into things, I'm just so confused as of right now.
- I'm still working for Hot Topic and loving it there! I am, however, looking for another job to replace Sheetz, but I will not work midnights again. Hot Topic is willing to work around my schedule (especially since we have so many associates no) which is extremely wonderful of them. Jen and Kristi have both told me that if I get into Penn State that they can transfer me over to the Hot Topic in the Nittany mall so I would have a job there if I am able to attend school there.
I believe that's it for now.
Tomorrow Hailey and I will be dancing and hopefully finishing up our routine so that we can fine tune it and practice it until we can shimmy in our sleep. Then it will be off to Pegasus with Letta, Erin, and people and then Saturday it's off to the Lancaster Ren fest with one of the largest groups I've ever gone with. I'm so psyched!