Jul 26, 2010 17:47
Just got home from work and it's fucking hot out there. It sucks when I have to work outside most of the day, to. I mean, its 95 at almost six o'clock. Ugh.
Its been hard not to kill John the past couple weeks or so. The other night I had to walk away at Walmart or I might've hit him. He wrecked his cab and has been trying to get another job and then a new cab on the streets. The one he got now needs a new transmission and he dosen't have the money, so what's the fucker do? He starts telling Becky how she's gonna have to get a title loan and a payday loan and maybe talk to her bank so he can get the money for it or we won't be able to pay rent and we'll get evicted and shit. He won't ask any of us for anything cause he knows we give him a hard time and won't be bullied. He just kept on with her about it and bugged her alot and it seriously pisses me off. She told him how he's not relieble about paying back loans, and shit, everytime he borrows money from her and she asks for him to pay it back, he goes on about how she has to deside if she's part of the family or not. He probly owes her hundreds of dollers now and he'll never pay her back. Fucker pisses me off.
So she ended up getting a loan today so he can get the fucking transmission done and if he dosen't pay her back, I swear I'll kick his worthless ass. Maybe I'll call my dad to come up for a visit to. Of course, I wanna do the kicking, but my dad can get away with things better then me.
Anyway, yeah. I shouldn't keep going on about that. My mood's not great anyway cause I'm too hot, so maybe I'll go soak my head in ice water or something.