Something like 5 September Stuff has happened

Sep 08, 2007 18:04

Things that I am noticing RIGHT NOW: My head hurts.. not just like a headache but my BONES not parietal.. not temporal.. kinda the top side bit of the occipital one :'( (cus I can almost if I was insane and remembered the stuff from a couple weeks ago, could name all the bits and bobs of the stuff in the skull bones *cry*
AND my head still hurts, aarrgghh (note this was a week ago Its not now, though my stomach/abdomen has been sore for about 2 days its really full.. owies sumtimes)

Well last week I got sick (woo they rejoice, not really) I had a cough on... Wednesday (I’m sorry if any ACGS’ers got it, cus I would have had it sitting there on Tuesday too oops oh well) anyways Went to yams with other people to listen to him complain, us say there nothing we can do, lets leave it, Stupid boys.. and coughed, hacked my lungs out in fact for FOUR FUCKING HOURS. hell I say, But his mummy gave me a throat lozenge throat... lungs same diff so I took it.. decreased the hack by a minuscule amount WHILST sucking said throat lozenge but then it came back *cry again*
So I took Thursday and Friday off work (mum made me) cus my lungs hurt (that happens after coughing for four hours...sorry I’m a little bitter about this for some reason...hmm) Uhm yes So Saturday was Kinda better but it had morphed into more of a cold.. so i was all mucusy up my nose (snotty in other less polite words) I did some of my assignment which was poo-ey. Then Lex and Tremaine came over to stay the weekend... Stuff happened I DIDNT go to the foam party *cry* (sheesh a lot tears this post thing) anyways so we were going to go to Bourne...last one BUT it sold out as we got there ..Poopydoos. So I made us go to EAGLE VS SHARK...Awesome.. I <3 Jemaine and FotC and this movie "do you wanna kiss" "yep" "on the lips" "yep"... (a small while passes and not much other dialogue) "do you wanna have sex" "yep"... then possibly THE least sexy film sex scene.. IT WAS FUNNY... I’m giggling sitting here... aahh gosh anyways GO SEE IT FUNNYNESS What else.... Still stuffed up on Sunday.. Did a  lot less on Sunday as we went to the mall.. I got... Shells pressy (tis cool) Monday I also took off cus I was still stuffed up and now the mucus from my nose was travelling to my lungs make me (you guessed it...I hope) COUGH YAY it was back in a different form woo...Tuesday I went in just to say I went in, but i DIDNT actually go to class I went into the library to find some BS sources for my Human Dev assignment.. Which allows us 1500 words to describe two theories, how we use the ideas of them in practical, children’s play, a tv programme, how we use play in clinical :O omfg.. NO ONE can stay within it.. suppose its good that we aren’t UNDER though...spose

And now its today ish

GANGSHOW : I can now see why people go lots of times to ACGS (I’ve never been in the audience for it :o) IT WAS AWEOSME.. They are great. Me n Liz, and Ben went and shouted and yelled and cheered and distracted and danced and sang along and had a GREAT time.. Omg freakin eh
2 nd time at ACGS: Well they were a lot more… organised.. didn’t seem like they were practising (not surprising they’ve only done the show 10 times since we were there last :P I went with Sandra and I sang along occasionally in the first ½ then ben n Sarah and another 2 friends came n sat next to us cus we had space. And from then we were a lot rowdier. Kimberley’s mum had lost her voice so Ainsley did her computer store part (and we could tell she was finding it hard not to laugh. She still had to do Mrs BP but could tell she was straining a lot to get out the words L bugger eh. Twas still awesome cool. and of course the band had about 6 million more things than before. We were also right up the front pretty much so we could actually see them :P twas great!!! So yes Improvement.. but they were awesome to start with so… Uhm they got love from Ross (who dint write notes cus he was actually watching) They didn’t open the curtains till later after introducing guest cus we were too loud. And then we got told we were an awesome audience. Afterwards when they came out so many of them looked absolutely EXHAUSTED!! But I didn’t care gave them all big hugs...eee goodness

The cast gettuing notes after awww
Squiggle and Ben. Me Jen and Liz.. Buddies!

I miss them so much now and wanna go tonight but it was booked out ( I would have otherwise :p)

Practicals...uh cough… didn’t do it so Doing Wrist tomorrow and then Knee (maybe ) then abdo the week after (maybe as I.m in theatre) then… knee or abdo or wrist wotever.. then in holidays Lumbar and chest :o aarrghh

I failed my wrist again!!!! DAMMIT. Cus i forgot to ask date of birth and ddint introduce the assesor :( buggerypoos. but she said that aprt from that it was a pass...sigh next week it is then PLUS my abdomen practical!!!!

What else…

Favourite teacher

Uhm Loved Mrs Church in yr..uhm 4 She was awesome fun. I remember doing assignments for her and we studied a letter (or rather something that began with that letter) Ehm Who else 5th form drama teacher whose name I can never remember was awesome. So nice, and helpful and awesome pretty much. then she left us for TGS :( meanie poo. AND other ones which I cant remember oh well I remember the awful ones *cough* Farmy, Bailey, etc eurgh
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